
来源 :中学生英语·学生综合天地 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:justice
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  出生地(Place of Birth):山东青岛(Qingdao, Shandong Province)
  出生日期(Date of Birth):1988年2月16日(February 16th, 1988)
  运动项目(Sports Event):乒乓球(Table Tennis)
   Zhang Jike is a table tennis player of China’s national team. He learned to play table tennis with his father when he was five years old. In 2000, he joined the Luneng table tennis team of Shandong Province. He entered the national table tennis team in January, 2003.
   In the 2008 National Tournament (锦标赛), Zhang Jike won the championship for the PLA (中国人民解放军) team with Wang Hao and other players. And then he beat the three Olympic champions (冠军)—Ma Lin, Wang Liqin and Wang Hao, and won the championship of Men’s Singles (男子单打) of table tennis.
   On May 15th, 2011, Zhang Jike beat Wang Hao by 4:2 in the Men’s Singles of Table Tennis in the World Championship(世锦赛) and won his first championship of Men’s Singles during his sport career. On November 13th, 2011, he got his first championship in the World Cup. In the competition, he beat his teammate, Wang Hao, by 4:2.
   The beginning of 2009 was not wonderful for Zhang Jike. But from the second half of 2009, Zhang Jike restarted his journey. He became the world championship by taking part in the Group World Cup and later he won the Men’s Group Championship of Asian Championships. But in the Men’s Singles, he was suppressed (压制) by Ma Long and Xu Xin. Ma Long was the same age as him while Xu Xin was bit younger than him. He won the second place in the Asian Championship and East Asian Games.
   Zhang Jike started very well at the beginning of 2010. He got the chance to take part in the World Championships of Table Tennis in the second team tryout. He also got his first Men’s Singles championship of international competition in the Asia Cup. During the World Championships in Moscow, he was able to represent (代表) China to compete with other players in the semi-final and final and he achieved a lot for China. In 2010, Zhang Jike won the second place in the Qatar Open Tournament, the championship of men’s doubles in the Kuwait Open Tournament with Ma Long and the runner-up in the men’s doubles in German Open Tournament with Hao Shuai.
   Zhang Jike started to play table tennis when he was five and won the international championship when he was 23. He had experienced lots of hardship through this time. When he lifted the cup, what did the young man who usually didn’t talk too much think of? When asked about his, Zhang Jike remained cool, “I am very happy when I win the championship and it is my first time to take part in the World Championships. I have no burden (负担) and this is a new beginning for me.”
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【摘 要】 新课标中强调,在英语教学中应该着重培养学生的兴趣,让学生有兴趣的积极主动的进行全过程的学习,最大限度的发挥学生的潜力。教师利用英语歌曲在初中英语教学中进行教学,能够提升学生的学习兴趣,并且有效的提升教学质量,实现学生的高效学习。  【关键词】 英语歌曲 初中英语 辅助运用  英语歌曲具有独特的内涵,是外国文化具有特色的组成部分。在初中英语教学中,丰富教学形式,优化课堂对英语教学具有特殊
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【摘 要】 实施素质教育的主阵地是课堂教学。广大教育工作者不懈追求的目标是优化课堂教学,充分发挥课堂教学的有效性, 让学生真正成为课堂和学习的主体。本文从对课堂有效性概念和特征的解读,提高课堂教学有效性的策略等方面进行了探讨。  【关键词】 初中英语 课堂教学 有效策略  什么是课堂教学的有效性?余文森教授从专业的角度回答了什么是课堂教学的有效性问题,他认为,从专业角度说,课堂教学的有效性问题是指