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矿床储量分级是勘探研究程度中的重要课题之一,目前在这方面主要存在分级及衡量级别标准不统一,划分条件不具体等问题.为了寻求解决的方法和途径,我们曾对几个铁矿床进行了有关的调查.对于储量分级,近几年各有关领导部门已经组织了专题调查,并在《金属矿床地质勘探研究程度的规定》中作了划分,这里就不谈了.现仅就工作中涉及到储量分级条件的有关问题,谈谈个人认识,供讨论,不当之处,请批评指正.一影响储量工业用途的基本因素由于不同级别的储量在矿山建设和生产中用途不同,对其勘探研究程度要求也不一样,如作矿山采准设计依据的储量要求勘探研究程度要高,而作为矿山开拓设计和建设 Mineral deposit classification is one of the important topics in the degree of exploration and research, at present there are mainly in this area classification and grading standards are not uniform, the classification conditions are not specific and other issues.In order to find ways and means of solution, we have several iron ore Bed for the relevant investigation.For the reserves classification, in recent years, the relevant departments have organized thematic investigations, and in the “geological exploration of metal deposits degree of research” made a division, not to mention here. Work related to the grading of reserves issues, talk about personal understanding, for discussion, inappropriate, please comment on the correction. A basic factor affecting the reserves of industrial use As different levels of reserves in the mine construction and production of different uses, The degree of exploration and research requirements are not the same, such as making mining mining standards based on the reserves required to explore a higher degree of exploration, and as a pioneering design and construction of mines
During the latter part of October 1929 Mr. W. C. Pei recovered in situ from the Chou Kou Tien deposit a worn adult Sinanthropus tooth, the site of this discove
本文综述了高分子共混物熔体的粘性和弹性,探讨了高分子共混物熔体的流变特性与结构形态的关系。 In this paper, the viscosities and elasticities of polymer blends wer