Genomic insight into the divergence and adaptive potential of a forgotten landrace G.hirsutum L.purp

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Wild progenitors are an excellent source for strengthening the genetic basis and accumulation of desirable variation lost because of directional selection and adaptation in modern cultivars.Here,we re-evaluate a landrace of Gossypium hirsutum,formerly known as Gossypium purpurascens.Our study seeks to un-derstand the genomic structure,variation,and breeding potential of this landrace,providing potential in-sights into the biogeographic history and genomic changes likely associated with domestication.A core set of accessions,including current varieties,obsolete accessions,G.purpurascens,and other geographical landraces,are subjected to genotyping along with multilocation phenotyping.Population fixation statistics suggests a marked differentiation between G.purpurascens and three other groups,emphasizing the divergent genomic behavior of G.purpurascens.Phylogenetic analysis establishes the primitive nature of G.purpurascens,identifying it as a vital source of functional variation,the inclusion of which in the upland cotton (cultivated G.hirsutum) gene pool may broaden the genetic basis of modern cultivars.Genome-wide association results indicate multiple loci associated with domestication regions corresponding to flowering and fiber quality.Moreover,the conserved nature of G.purpurascens can also provide insights into the evolutionary process of G.hirsutum.
课题提出  浙江省普通高考考试说明指出:“化学科考试以能力测试为主导,全面检测学生的化学科学素养”。对化学学习能力的要求中明确指出:“考察学生接收、吸收、整合信息的能力,要求学生通过对实际事物、实验现象、实物、模型、图形、图表的观察,获取感性知识,并能进行初步加工、吸收和有序储存;要求学生将分析解决问题的过程和成果,用正确的图形、图表等表达出来,并作出解释”。而在平时教学中发现:“要求学生把形成的
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针对半潜式起重拆解平台的排载作业需求,提出水泵与空压机相结合的联合排载方式。建立排载系统的数学模型,在SimuWorks仿真环境中搭建仿真模型,对双机起吊0~4200 t典型起重工况进行仿真试验。分析联合排载方式下立柱压载舱内空气压力、液位和海水流量的变化情况,比较空压机快速排载、水泵排载、联合排载等3种方式的优劣。仿真试验结果表明,联合排载法能更好地兼顾平台稳性、安全性与快速性。
采用故障模式和影响分析(Failure Mode and Effect Analysis,FMEA)方法,以快速压排载系统为研究对象,对其涉及的压载系统、液位遥测系统、舱底水系统、集成控制与监测系统(Integrated Control and Monitoring System,IAS)和阀门遥控系统进行深入分析。结果表明,舱底水系统的潜在风险较大,为整个快速压排载系统最薄弱的环节,液位遥测系统则为系统中可靠性较高的子系统。
一、题目的来源  2007年是广东新课改的新的一轮高考的第一年,综观2007年高考化学广东卷,亮点频频显现,处处体现新课改、新理论,以学生为本,以教学为源,彰显素质教育之根本,可谓是“此时无声胜有声”,令人赏心悦目、回味无穷。其中第27题最值本人欣赏。  二、原题及解答  原题是:克矽平是一种治疗矽肺病的药物,其合成路线如下(反应均在一定条件下进行)  (1)化合物I的某些性质类似苯。例如,化合物