
来源 :有色金属工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a_hai1983
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2002年是我国钛产业不平凡的一年。在过去的一年中,中国钛产业界发生了两件令世人瞩目的事情:我国钛材产量首次达到5000吨,创造历史最好水平;中国有色金属工业协会钛业分会在京成立,全国近100家主要钛锆生产、科研、应用企业联合起来,共商发展大计。它标志着中国钛工业进入了一个健康、快速发展的新阶段。 我国1956年制定钛发展规划,1958年开始生产海绵钛,1965年开始建设专业性钛生产厂(遵义钛厂和宝鸡有色金属加工厂),1972年开始钛的批量生产,1985年达到年产1000吨的水平。此后,我国钛产量一直缓慢增长。1985年~2000年间,平均每年仅增加 2002 is China’s titanium industry an extraordinary year. In the past year, two things have caught the world’s attention in China’s titanium industry: for the first time, the output of titanium in our country has reached 5,000 tons, creating the best record in history. The Titanium Branch of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association was established in Beijing, nearly 100 Home titanium zirconium production, research, application enterprises together to discuss the development plan. It marks China’s titanium industry has entered a healthy and rapid development of a new stage. In 1956, China formulated the titanium development plan, started to produce titanium sponge in 1958, started to build professional titanium factories (Zunyi Titanium Factory and Baoji Non-ferrous Metal Processing Factory) in 1965, started volume production of titanium in 1972 and reached an annual output of 1,000 in 1985 Tons of level. Since then, China’s titanium production has been slow growth. Between 1985 and 2000, the average annual increase only increased
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沿着青砖砌起的小巷,踏着已经生出青苔的砖块,走过古旧的石桥,转个弯儿,就能看到舅舅家黑瓦叠成的屋檐。 Along the alleyways built of blue bricks, marching moss-ready
去年我做完手术,身体有些虚弱,妈妈听说泥鳅汤很有营养,于是就买了一些泥鳅回来。泥鳅要先放在清水里养几天,让它把肚子里的泥巴吐干净,才能保证汤的味道鲜美。 Last year,
数学课上,张老师让同学们计算250÷70。马强是这样计算的:   看了马强的计算后,同学们争论不休。   江小明说:“根据商不变的规律,我认为马强的方法是正确的。”   “马强真的算对了吗?”张老师耐心地启发道。   “不对!”李小宝说,“刚才我作了检验,用除数和商相乘的积,加上余数,结果不等于原来的被除数250。”他怕大家听不明白,还写了个算式给大家看:70×3+4=21
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