,Effects of Autoantibodies Against At1-receptor and Angiotensin II on Refractory Hypertension

来源 :岭南心血管病杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rurucaihongru
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Objective The study will explore effects of the autoantibodies against AT1 receptor and angiotensin Ⅱ on the refractory hypertension. Methods Seventy-seven patients (46 men and 31 women) with essential hypertension were divided into groups of refractory hypertension (RH) and hypertension (HT) according to the 1999 WHO -ISH Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension. Forty normotensives (22 men) were recruited as controls.The mean age was 54. 3 ± 13 years old in RH group,53.5±9 years old in HT group and 51.2±11.9years old in normotensives (NT) group. The mean blood pressure was 154.2 ± 9.4/98.4 ± 8.2 mmHg in RH group and 130.1 ±7.6/80.5 ±6.7 mmHg in HT group after combination drug therapy of hypertension for 4 weeks. Blood pressure in NT group was 120. 8 ± 11.7/76. 4 ± 7.2 mmHg. The epitope of the 2nd extracellular loops of AT1 receptor was synthesized and used as antigens to screen the autoantibodies by ELISA. Plasma angiotensin (Ang) Ⅱ were examined by a radioimmunoassay. Results The autoantibodies against AT1 receptor were positive in 18 (46. 15% ) patients with RH, in 4 (10. 5 % ) hypertension and in 3 (7.5 % ) normotensives, P < 0.01. Ang Ⅱwas 57.01 ± 52.63 pmol/L in patients with RH. Both the autoantibodies positive and the Ang Ⅱ increasing were 4 (10. 3 %) cases, both normal were 7 (17.9% ) cases, the autoantibodies positive or Ang Ⅱ in creasing was all of 14 (35.9 % ) cases (χ2 =0. 09,P > 0. 05) There was no relationship between the autoantibodies against AT1 receptor and the angiotensin Ⅱ in refractory hypertension. Conclusion The autoantibodies against AT1 receptor and Ang Ⅱ might be two independent factors in developing of refractory hypertension. The findings suggest that AT1 receptor antagnist used in the treatment of refractory hypertension might have an important value.
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