Gap-plasmon of Fe_3O_4@Ag Core-shell Nanostructures for Highly Enhanced Fluorescence Detection of Rh

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:strong_zht
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A novel gap-plasmon of Fe_3O_4@Ag core-shell nanoparticles for surface enhanced fluorescence detection of Rhodamine B(RB) was developed. Fe_3O_4@Ag core-shell nanostructures with Ag shell and Fe_3O_4 core were synthetized by self-assembled method with the assistance of 3-mercaptopropyl trimethoxy silane(MPTS). To study the RB fluorescence enhanced by gap-plasmon, the fluorescence properties of RB on the substrates with different nanogap densities were systematically investigated, and the results showed that the fluorescence intensity of RB on Fe_3O_4@Ag core-shell NPs substrate was much stronger than that on bare glass substrate, and the fluorescence intensity was further improved by using multilayer Fe_3O_4@Ag core-shell NPs substrate which had higher nanogap density. Different from the mechanism that is based on the maximum overlap of the surface plasmon resonance(SPR) band and emission band, the mechanism of the fluorescence enhancement in our work is based on the localized surface plasmon(LSP) and the gap plasmon near-field coupling with the Fe_3O_4@Ag core-shell NPs. Besides, the detection limit obtained was as low as 1×10~(-7) mol/L, and the Fe_3O_4@Ag core-shell NPs substrate had high selectivity for RB fluorophores. It was demonstrated that the Fe_3O_4@Ag core-shell NPs substrate had activity, good stability, and selectivity for fluorescence detection of RB. And the detection of RB by the surface plasmon enhanced fluorescence was more convenient and rapid than the traditional detection methods in previous works. A novel gap-plasmon of Fe_3O_4 @ Ag core-shell nanoparticles for surface enhanced fluorescence detection of Rhodamine B (RB) was developed. Fe_3O_4 @ Ag core-shell nanostructures with Ag shell and Fe_3O_4 core were synthetized by self-assembled method with the assistance of the 3-mercaptopropyl trimethoxy silane (MPTS). To study the RB fluorescence enhanced by gap-plasmon, the fluorescence properties of RB on the substrates with different nanogap densities were systematically investigated, and the results showed that the fluorescence intensity of RB on Fe_3O_4 @ Ag core-shell NPs substrate was much stronger than that on bare glass substrate, and the fluorescence intensity was further improved by using multilayer Fe_3O_4 @ Ag core-shell NPs substrate which had higher nanogap density. Different from the mechanism that is based on the maximum overlap of the plasmonic resonance (SPR) band and emission band, the mechanism of the fluorescence enhancement in our work is based on the localized surface plasmon (LSP) and the gap plasmon near-field coupling with the Fe_3O_4 @ Ag core-shell NPs. Besides, the detection limit obtained was as low as 1 × 10 ~ (-7) mol / L, and the Fe_3O_4 @ Ag core -shell NPs substrate had high selectivity for RB fluorophores. It was demonstrated that the Fe_3O_4 @ Ag core-shell NPs substrate had activity, good stability, and selectivity for fluorescence detection of RB. And the detection of RB by the surface plasmon enhanced fluorescence was more convenient and rapid than the traditional detection methods in previous works.
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“学起于思、思源于疑。”发现问题是拥有知识的关键。在大力提倡创新教育的同时,培养学生的质疑能力,有利于激发学生的学习兴趣。可见“提疑”的重要性。而巧妙设置问题情境,则是“提疑”之突破口,如何设置问題情境,也就成为每位教师关注的焦点。  一、巧设问题,在“乐问”中激发学生学习兴趣  爱因斯坦曾说过:“提出一个问题比解决一个问题更重要。”因为有了问题,才会思考,有了思考,才有可能找到解决问题的有效途径