Zhu Yongxin new educational experiment sponsor. The 12th CPPCC Standing Committee, Deputy Secretary-General, the Chinese Democratic Association Central Committee vice chairman, vice president of China Education Society, vice president and secretary general of China Ye Shengtao, vice president of China Tao Xingzhi Research Association , Suzhou University professor, doctoral tutor. “No”: As a founder and sponsor of new education, how do you view your role in the new education? Zhu: At first, I was both a promoter and a promoter before the formal team was formed. To a certain extent, Also a theoretical builder, it can be said that all the characters come together. Since 2006, the new education has a professional team, undertaking the theoretical research, so I mainly undertake the promotion of new education, the establishment of contacts, the concept of popularization, the experimental area of contact and so on. From the beginning of 2010, the departure of the theoretical research team enabled me once again to assume the role of a theoretical research organizer and a leader in curriculum development. It can be said that with the development of new education and needs, my role is constantly changing.