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轮状病毒是秋冬季婴幼儿腹泻的常见病因,近年有报道轮状病毒性肠炎于疾病早期,部份病例出现心肌酶谱的变化。为了认识轮状病毒性肠炎心肌酶谱变化与临床症状、病毒型别间关系,我科于1990年10月~12月间将经病原学检查确诊的44例轮状病毒性肠炎进行心肌酶学检查,并对其与临床表现、基因型间的关系进行分析,现将结果报道如下。 临床资料 一、资料来源:1990年10月~12月间住院腹泻患儿54例,于入院第1日收集粪便标本送广州卫生市防疫站病毒室作轮状病毒检查,酶联免疫吸附法(ELASA)阳性40例(74.5%),电泳法(PAGE)阳性39例(72.22%)。其中长电泳型(RNA长型)19例,短电泳型(RNA短型)16例,不能分辨4例。总共经病毒病原学检查获确诊轮状病毒性肠炎44例。男27例,女17例。发病年龄2个月~2岁5个月,其中6个月~1 Rotavirus is a common cause of diarrhea in infants and young children in autumn and winter. In recent years, rotavirus enteritis has been reported in the early stage of disease. Changes in myocardial enzymes occurred in some cases. In order to understand the relationship between the changes of myocardial enzymes of rotavirus enteritis and clinical symptoms and virus types, 44 patients with rotavirus enteritis diagnosed by pathogenic examination were subjected to myocardial enzymology from October to December 1990, Examination, and its clinical manifestations, the relationship between genotypes are analyzed, the results reported below. Clinical data A source: 54 cases of hospitalized children with diarrhea in October to December 1990, stool samples collected on the first day of admission to Guangzhou Health City Epidemic Station virus room for rotavirus test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( ELASA) positive in 40 cases (74.5%), electrophoresis (PAGE) positive in 39 cases (72.22%). Among them, 19 were long electrophoresis type (RNA long type) and 16 were short electrophoresis type (RNA short type), and 4 cases could not be distinguished. A total of 44 confirmed cases of rotavirus enteritis were confirmed by viral etiology. 27 males and 17 females. The age of onset of 2 months to 2 years and 5 months, of which 6 months to 1
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