
来源 :中国实用妇科与产科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Dutch_deamer
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1986年1月至1992年11月期间该院孕产妇中有妊娠合并糖尿病者107例(10.13‰),包括妊娠期糖尿病37例,White分类B~D级70例,平均年龄31岁,初产妇比经产妇为1.23:1,有不良孕产史者占43%,1/3患者并发妊高征,大于孕龄儿占39.25%,胎儿畸形3例(2.8%),剖宫产率82.24%,产母因并发症死亡1例(9.35‰),宫内死胎7例(65.42‰)。本文认为加强孕妇管理是降低母儿并发症和围产儿死亡之关键。 From January 1986 to November 1992, 107 pregnant women (10.13 ‰) with gestational diabetes mellitus included 37 cases of gestational diabetes mellitus, 70 cases of White grade B to D grade, with an average age of 31 years and primipara More than the gestational age accounted for 39.25%, 3 cases of fetal malformations (2.8%), cesarean section rate was 82.24% , Mother died of complications due to complications in 1 case (9.35 ‰), intrauterine fetal death in 7 cases (65.42 ‰). This article believes that strengthening the management of pregnant women is the key to reduce maternal complications and perinatal death.
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《农药研究与应用》(Agochemicals Research&Application)杂志(以下简称杂志)是由国家农药创制工程技术中心和湖南化工研究院主办,湖南省化工信息中心承办的农药综合性信息刊
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