Construction of LDPC Codes for the Layered Decoding Algorithm

来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youling0186
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The layered decoding algorithm has been widely used in the implementation of Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) decoders,due to its high convergence speed.However,the pipeline operation of the layered decoder may introduce memory access conflicts,which heavily deteriorates the decoder throughput.To essentially deal with the issue of memory access conflicts,we propose a construction algorithm of LDPC codes,to which a constraint condition is added in the Progressive Edge-Growth (PEG) algorithm.The constraint condition can guarantee that for our constructed LDPC codes,the sets of all the variable nodes connected to the consecutive layers do not share any common variable node,which can avoid the memory access conflicts.Simulation results show that the performance of our constructed LDPC codes is close to the several other LDPC codes adopted in wireless standards.Moreover,compared with the decoder for IEEE 802.16e LDPC codes,the throughput of our LDPC decoder has large improvement,while the chip resource consumption is unchanged.Thus,our constructed LDPC codes can be adopted in the high-speed transmission.
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