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目前,各省级卫视都在进行体制改革和节目的重新整合、改版工作。《旋风中的困惑与沉思》一文,谨就省级卫视的纷纷改版(俗称“变脸”)现象提出了几点质疑。该文仅是作者一家之言,难免带有偏颇之处。透过作者的尖锐话语和忧患意识的幕纱,也许我们是可以察觉到几个值得思考、探究的问题的。改革原本就没有现成的模式可依。改革是需要有勇气和智慧的,同时,它亦可能需要我们去付出不菲的“学费”。从字面上简而言之,改革无非就是改进落后的旧制,革除旧事物的弊端,以求更大的进取;从根本上来讲,改革就意味着以人为本,实事求是,一切都为人民大众的利益着想和实施。省级卫视的改革,无疑是与时俱进的中国电视事业再创辉煌的必然。它呼唤着人们不断去解放思想,不断在实践中去创新、突破和开拓。挑战与机遇总是并存的。以科学的探求精神和敢于实践的态度来直面我们在前进中遇到的困惑,应当是我们解决问题的最佳办法。我们恳请各省级卫视的同仁们和社会各界的有识之士,就此问题坦诚发表见解,进行学术争鸣、经验交流。通过充分的沟通、研讨,相互启迪,进而逐步取得共识。我们深信,这对时下各省级卫视的深化改革定会带来裨益。 At present, all provincial satellite TV are in the process of system reform and program re-integration and revision. “Whirlwind in the puzzled and contemplation,” a text, would like to provincial revision of the TV (commonly known as “face”) put forward a few questions. The article is only one of the author’s statement, it is inevitable with bias. Through the author’s sharp discourse and the curtain of the sense of urgency, perhaps we can detect a few worth thinking and exploring the issue. There is no ready-made model to reform. It takes courage and wisdom to reform. At the same time, it may also require us to pay a lot of tuition fees. Literally, the reform is nothing more than the improvement of the old system of backwardness and the abolition of the disadvantages of the old things in order to make greater progress. Basically, the reform means people-oriented, seeking truth from facts, and all are people’s interests And implemented. Provincial satellite TV’s reform is undoubtedly advancing with the times of the inevitable new glories in China’s television industry. It calls for people to constantly emancipate their minds and constantly innovate, break through and open up in practice. Challenges and opportunities always coexist. Facing the confusion we encounter in our progress with a scientific spirit of exploration and daring to practice should be our best solution to the problem. We urge all provincial satellite TV colleagues and people of insight from all walks of life, on this issue frankly expressed their views, academic contests, exchange of experiences. Through full communication, discussion, mutual enlightenment, and then gradually achieve consensus. We are convinced that this will bring benefits to the deepening reform of all provincial satellite TV programs nowadays.