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欧委会推出的最新研究报告数据显示,欧盟及其成员国多达250万处土地受到人为工业或农业活动不同程度的污染。欧盟要求成员国积极采取政策措施,加强污染土地治理,努力实现2050土地清洁目标。欧盟第七研发框架计划(FP7)提供1100万欧元资助支持,主要由欧盟纳米技术工业企业联合科技界组成的欧洲纳米技术平台(FP7-NMP),由欧盟跨成员国跨行业主要纳米技术工业企业主导。横向的跨行业纳米技术研发创新网络平台,类似于研发创新联盟,具体负责实施 According to the latest research report released by the European Commission, up to 2.5 million land in the EU and its member states is polluted to varying degrees by man-made or agricultural activities. The EU requires member countries to actively adopt policies and measures to strengthen the governance of polluted land and strive to achieve the goal of 2050 land clean-up. EU FP7 provides 11 million euros for funding support, mainly by the European Union nanotechnology industry and science and technology sector of the European nanotechnology platform (FP7-NMP), by the EU’s cross-sectoral cross-sectoral major nanotechnology industrial enterprises leading. Horizontal cross-industry nanotechnology research and innovation network platform, similar to the R & D innovation alliance, specifically responsible for the implementation
埃米·诺特(Emmy Noether,1882,3,23-1935,4,14)1882年3月23日生于德国埃朗根的一个犹太家庭里.父亲马克思·诺特是埃朗根大学的教授,为当时的代数几何学与代数函数论的权威.
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Since late July,temporary power cuts have been implemented in parts of Henan Province. Some smelting factories were informed by the local government that due to
改革开放30年来,四川的电铝厂从无到有,从小到大,发展成就辉煌。没有改革开放,就没有四川铝工业的今天,是改革开放圆了四川人的炼铝梦。 Over the past 30 years since the
On September 9,2008,the Aluminium Corpo- ration of China’s(Chalco)Northeast Light Al- loy Co.,Ltd.(NELA)launched the inaugura- tion ceremony of the project for
女儿生长在一个大家庭里,家里有爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈、叔叔。三代同堂的大家庭,就这么一个小孩子,大家对她的溺爱是难免的。 Daughter grew up in a large family, the f
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