Presupposition Triggers and English Reading Comprehension in NETEM

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  【Abstract】After briefly introducing presupposition and its types, this article principally analyzes the application of presupposition triggers in NETEM incorporating change-of-state verbs, verbs of judging and wh-question. The conclusion is that knowing the information pragmatic triggers presuppose and locating the triggers can be very beneficial to candidates.
  【Key words】Presupposition; reading comprehension in NETEM; application
  1. Introduction
  In recent years, a handful of scholars have not only differently categorized both types of presupposition and presupposition triggers but also have studied the presupposition in sentences, paragraphs and passages. The application of presupposition in the English reading comprehension in NETEM also needs a further study. This article aims at studying the application of presupposition triggers to the reading comprehension in NETEM so as to help candidates improve the reading efficiency and enhance the reading comprehension ability to some extent.
  2. Presupposition
  2.1 Presupposition’s Definition
  First proposed by German philosopher Frege in the field of philosophy in 1892, “presupposition is something the speaker assumes to be the case prior to making an utterance” (Yule 25).
  2.2 Presupposition Types
  According to George Yule, the pragmatic presupposition encompasses existential presupposition, factive presupposition, non-factive presupposition, lexical presupposition, structural presupposition and counterfactual presupposition (27-30).
  2.3 Presupposition Triggers
  The presupposition is related to the use of a large number of words, phrases and structures (Yule 27). He Ziran categorizes the presupposition triggers into three types. Verbs (including implicative verbs, factive and predicative adjectives, change-of-state verbs and verbs of judging) belong to the first type, iteratives and adjuncts the second type and phrases and clauses the third type. He also points out that clauses encompass temporal clauses, non-restrictive relative clauses, comparisons, cleft sentences, questions and so on(117-119). This article would capitalize on He Ziran’s study to analyze presupposition triggers in reading comprehension in NETEM, especially change-of-state verbs, verbs of judging and wh-question.
  3. Presupposition Triggers and Reading Comprehension in NETEM
  3.1 Analysis of Reading Comprehension in NETEM
  Texts in NETEM are all from literature in English speaking countries, such as Economics, the Observer, Times and The Guardian, possessing timeliness and covering various aspects. Expositions and argumentation are the two main types of texts where examiners often capitalize on multiple complex sentences, elliptical sentences, inverted sentences, double negative sentences and so on to distinguish the capacity of candidates, which undoubtedly makes the reading comprehension in NETEM rather difficult for candidates( Run Baohua 2007).   3.2 Effects of Presupposition Triggers in English Reading Comprehension
  The author observes that some training institutions require their members to quickly locate some words or phrases in order to figure out the author’s ideas and the associations among sentences. In practice, readers all too often capitalize on manifold triggers, words, phrases and structures, to understand writer’s real meanings. No matter how difficult the texts are, it’s of vital importance for candidates to correctly understand the information triggers presuppose so as to improve the reading ability and efficiency.
  4. Analysis of Presupposition Triggers in Reading Comprehension in NETEM
  4.1 Change-of-state Verbs in Reading Comprehension in NETEM
  Change-of-state verbs belonging to the triggers of lexical presupposition reflect the changes of situations or attitudes and have been frequently examed. According to the research of Xie Yinggunag(2003), the author finds several examples demonstrated in Table 1. All the change-of-state verbs are underlined.
  Here is an example of applying this kind of trigger into reading.
  “There has been a sea change over the last 10 years. Marketing used to be almost a dirty word in higher education.” (NETEM, 2006, text3, para.2)
  32. It is implied that one of the most significant changes in higher education in the past decade is ( )
  A. the brand B. the college names
  C. the concept of marketing D. list of majors
  The answer should be C. “Used to” as a trigger of lexical presupposition can be found in this sentence. “Marketing used to be almost a dirty word in higher education.” >> Marketing was disdained by the higher education in the past. Namely, higher education circle has changed its views towards marketing.
  What’s more, the change-of-state verbs can be also functioned as the transition. However, some of these words like “used to” is often hard to recognize. When candidates read the articles, they’d better quickly locate these triggers and pay more attention to the information before and after these triggers in order to improve the reading efficiency.
  4.2 Verbs of Judging in Reading Comprehension in NETEM
  Verbs of judging is one of the triggers of factive presupposition and have been frequently examed. The sentences containing verbs of judging directly embody the writer’s views or other people’s ones sometimes supporting the writer’s opinions. The author finds some examples based on the research Jin Nana(2009) and presented in Table 2. All the verbs of judging are underlined.   Here is an example of applying this kind of trigger into reading.
  “This speeding up of life, says the Futurist, requires a new form of expression.” (NETEM, 2000, text 3, para. 2)
  11. Futurists claim that we must( )
  A. increase the production of literature
  B. use poetry to relieve modern stress
  C. develop new modes of expression
  D. avoid using adjectives and verbs
  The answer should be C. “Says” is a trigger of a factive presupposition. “This speeding up of life, says the Futurist, requires a new form of expression.” >> This speeding up of life requires a new form of expression. Moreover, “Futurists claim”and “a new form of expression” respectively paraphrases “says the Futurist” and “new modes of expression”.
  On finding this kind of trigger in the text, candidates would be better underline or circle these words to quickly figure out the writer’s or other people’s views.
  4.3 Wh-question in Reading Comprehension in Reading Comprehension in NETEM
  Wh-question constitutes the triggers of structural presupposition. Some examples are presented in Table 3.
  Here is an example of applying this kind of trigger into reading.
  “Why do so many American distrust what they read in their newspaper? The American Society of Newspaper Editor is trying to answer this painful question.” (NETEM, 2001, text3, para. 1)
  59. What is the passage mainly about? ( )
  A. Needs of the readers all over the world
  B. Causes of the public disappointment about newspapers
  C. Origins of the declining newspaper industry
  D. Aims of a journalism credibility project
  The answer should be B. “Why do so many American distrust what they read in their newspaper?” is the structural presupposition. “Why do so many American distrust what they read in their newspaper?” So many American distrust what they read in their newspaper. Moreover, “disappointment” is the paraphrase of “distrust”.
  Wh-question should be laid emphasis on by candidates, because sometimes it marks the main idea of a passage or a paragraph. Specifically, if a wh-question is the first sentence of the first passage, the information of the wh-form is true and is the main idea of the passage, whereas if a wh-question is the first sentence of other paragraphs, the information after wh-form tends to be the main idea of that paragraph.
  5. Conclusion
  In a nutshell, it’s easy for us to arrive at conclusions that knowing information triggers presuppose and locating triggers in texts could help candidates interpret information properly and quickly and to some extent improve the reading efficiency and comprehension ability.
  [1]George Yule.Pragmatics.Ed.H.G.Widdowson.Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2014.
  [4]华研外语,考研英语(二)历年真题[M].中山大学出版社,2013. 2.
娜娜姐姐:  你好!有个问题在我的心里纠结好几个月了,现在终于鼓足勇气向你诉说。我是独生女,在家里一直备受宠爱。可最近爸爸妈妈常在讨论要第二个孩子的事情。从他们的谈话中我得知,现在计划生育政策调整了,爸妈可以要两个孩子了。一想到将有个弟弟或者妹妹与我争夺爸爸妈妈的爱,我的心里就很难过。  李雯  李雯:  你好!可以看出,你是在父母无微不至的呵护下长大的,过着无忧无虑的幸福生活。所以这段时间你都在
很多父母都渴望孩子成功,并把成功的希望寄托在了儿童的学习与发展上。但儿童的学习与发展到底是什么样的?怎样才能促进他们更好地学习,为其一生的发展奠定基础呢?  一、只要儿童有兴趣,学习与发展就会自然发生  儿童的学习究竟是什么样的?英国纽卡斯尔大学一位印度裔的教授在他的家乡做了一个实验。他选择了一个教育条件极差的贫民窟,在一面废弃的墙上挖了个洞,里面镶嵌了一台电脑,并在电脑的上方设置了一个摄像头,以
作为新课程倡导的学习方式,合作学习已成为品德课堂的“必选动作”。笔者在课题研究中认识到,只有切实关注合作学习的“时序”“秩序”“空序”,优化合作流程,才能提高学习效果,促进教学相长。下面以《集体力量大》(浙教版《品德与社会》四年级上册)一课为例,阐述自己的探索。  一、优化“时序”——任务驱动,凸现合作共享新理念  优质的合作学习应当任务明确、安排有序,让每一个学生都参与其中。为此,我们用任务单逐
我坐在早餐桌边,一边吃着脆玉米片,一边读印在盒子上正对着自己这一面的字:“美味脆玉米片——绝妙赠品等你拿!具体细节请看盒子的背面。”  我的姐姐玛丽就坐在我的对面,此时正在读印在盒子另一面的字。“嗨,安,”她说,“看这项赠品——‘用金子铸造你的名字’。”  接着,玛丽开始往下细读。听着听着,我对这项赠品的兴趣变得浓厚起来。“只需将一美元随新产品盒子上的购买证明一起寄来,并且在填写信息的空白处写下你
我的学术和人生导师梁志燊教授仙逝已近一年,360多天时光的消磨并未能抹去我脑海深处对梁老师的记忆,受其教诲、师生同乐的情景一直浮现在脑海,挥之不去。正如诗人臧克家所云:“有的人死了,他还活着。”我的恩师梁老师就一直活在我的心中。一年的追忆和思念,令我更加深切地感受了她的和蔼可亲、谦卑做人,更加深刻地认识了她金子般的人格和求是的学术品质。  一个有社会责任感的学者  梁教授是一个有社会责任感且与时俱
摘 要:以地域文化塑造独特的学校文化,是学校文化传承的重要路径。学校用西关文化特质营建校园环境,以读书实践活动让学生体验文化传承,让师生在学习生活中实现创新与成长,更实现了学校自身的创新发展。  关键词:学校文化;地域文化;西关文化  中图分类号:G7 文献编码:A 文章编号:2095-1183(2014)09-0048-02  每一所学校都有自身独特的地域文化、办学历史和价值追求,它们是学校不断
【摘要】高中英语课堂广泛应用视听素材,在丰富课堂内容、提高教学趣味性方面发挥着重要作用。高中英语课堂应用视听素材,要打破常规教学模式限制,全面落实教学目标。文中分析高中英语课堂教学中视听素材的作用,探讨课堂教学中应用视听素材的具体措施。  【关键词】英语课堂;视听素材;应用措施  高中英语课堂利用视听素材有助于营造信息化教学环境,推动学生核心素养发展,同时帮助学生熟练掌握英语听说读写能力,大幅度提
编者按:  当下,道德混乱甚或滑坡已是不争的事实。何以理性看待其对教学的影响与挑战?何以积极应对,促使学科教学内隐德育更为“真挚”“感人”,更加“入里”“走心”,实现返喻德之璞,归育人之真?这成为思想政治课程执教者无法回避的艰深命题。自本期始,我刊特约孙杰老师开辟专栏,秉“思想政治课德育视界探新与路径转换”之主题,承“基于病灶—引入范式—实践推进”之思路,以若干全新视角假以延展,进而在课堂教学中实