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目的::以“智能化用药监控警示互动系统”为平台,分析其对阻断用药错误、减少药害事件发生的干预效果。方法:选择我院重症监护( ICU)病区为实验组,以另外两家医院ICU病区为对照组,前18个月两组均不进行干预;后18个月,实验组运行“智能化用药监控警示互动系统”,临床药师将系统的警示信息与患者临床实际结合,干预用药错误,而对照组不进行干预。监测两组全部时间段内的各种药物不良事件。结果:实验组干预前的18个月内发现可预防药物不良事件50例,发生率6.8%。干预后的18个月内,医师对警示信息的修改率达97.7%,警示信息及占处方量百分比从最高的68例和1.1%下降到最低的6例和0.1%。可预防药物不良事件降至17例,发生率2.4%,较干预前明显下降(P<0.05)。可能因此节省住院费用848991元,减少住院时间294 d。而对照组可预防药物不良事件及其发生率无明显变化。两组不可预防药物不良事件均无明显变化。结论:“智能化用药监控警示互动系统”能有效审查出各种用药错误,降低ICU病区可预防药物不良事件的发生率。但尚需不断提高智能化程度,并结合患者实际情况进行不合理用药的判断。“,”Objective:To analyze the intervention effect of a successfully created platform“intelligent interactive software for drug monitoring warning” on the decrease of medication errors and adverse drug events,and the increase of the drug treatment level. Meth-ods:The intensive care unit ( ICU) of our hospital was selected as the experiment group, and the ICU of the other two hospitals was used as the contrast group. During the first 18 months, both groups were without intervention. During the latter 18 months, the plat-form was used in the experiment group, and the clinical pharmacists employed alerts of the system in the practice of interaction with doctors to correct the medication errors. No intervention was performed in the contrast group. In addition, all adverse drug events in both groups were surveyed. Results:During the first period, 50 preventable adverse drug events were discovered with the incidence of 6. 8% in the experimental group. During the second period, the correct rate of the alerts was 97. 7%. Through the effective interven-tion,the alerts and their percentage in the prescriptions were from the maximum of 68 and 1. 1% to the minimum of 6 and 0. 1%. To-tally 17 preventable adverse drug events were found with the incidence of 2. 4% after the intervention. The decline was significant, 848 991 yuan of hospitalization expenses was saved, and 294 days of the length of stay were shortened. There was no change in the contrast group, and there was no change in unpreventable adverse drug events in the two groups before and after the intervention. Conclusion:The “intelligent interactive software for drug monitoring warning” can examine many sorts of medication errors,and decline the inci-dence rate of preventable adverse drug events in ICU. However, it needs to continuously improve the intelligence. Clinical pharmacists need to master the relevant conditions of patients to detect the irrational drug use based on the clinical practice for each patient.