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众所周知,日本是世界花卉消费大国。菊花消费尤其切花菊消费在日本花卉消费中一直占有很大的比例。全日本年切花消费总量为69.5亿支,消费总额为3837亿日元,其中菊花消费量24.32亿支,占切花总消费量的35%;消费额1227.84亿日元,占总消费额的32%。日本市场上切花菊主要有独轮菊、多头菊、小菊三种,多头菊和小菊分别占菊花消费量的20%和30%左右,占菊花总销售额的17%和18%左右。由于日本殡葬业高度发达和祭祖拜神习俗十分盛行,独轮菊消费量一直很大,每年消费 As we all know, Japan is a major flower-consuming country in the world. Chrysanthemum consumption, especially cut chrysanthemum consumption has always accounted for a large proportion of Japanese flower consumption. The total annual consumption of cut flowers in Japan was 6.95 billion, and the total consumption was 383.7 billion yen, of which the consumption of chrysanthemums was 2.432 billion, accounting for 35% of the total consumption of cut flowers; the consumption amount was 122.784 billion yen, accounting for 32% of the total consumption. . On the Japanese market, cut chrysanthemums mainly consist of three types: chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum, and chrysanthemum. The chrysanthemums and chrysanthemums account for about 20% and 30% of chrysanthemum consumption, respectively, accounting for 17% and 18% of total chrysanthemum sales. Due to the highly developed Japanese burial industry and the practice of worshipping gods and worshiping gods, the consumption of cypresses has been very large and annual consumption.
目前,我国已经实施了六个公众营养改善项目。但是,记者调查发现,由于营养强化食品价格高、种类少,消费者的认知度不高,在市场上销售的情况并不好。 At present, China has i
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一、以读促写,激发写作兴趣  “读”是实现语文教学的重要手段。在语文教学中,可以让学生运用多种读实现对文本内容的理解、情感的体验,实现语文学科的人文性。同时,还能让学生在“读”中激起情感上的共鸣,从而引发联想,发现写作素材,产生写作的欲望,激发学生的写作兴趣。因此,在教学中要“以读促写”,让“读”更好地为“写”服务,让课堂充满神奇魅力。  如苏教版《雾凇》一课,作者用形象生动的语言描写了吉林雾凇美
一、阅读与欣赏,激发写作的兴趣  要让学生爱上阅读,教师要当好引路人。笔者每个星期都会给学生上一节阅读欣赏课,精心选择一些名著片断、智慧美文、人物传记、诗歌等阅读材料在课堂上声情并茂地为学生朗读。发现这时,学生比任何时候都要专心,他们睁大双眼,神情专注,随着教师朗读时而眉头紧皱,时而若有所思,时而露出会心的微笑,完全投入到文章所描述的情境中。笔者也会请一些学生上台为大家朗读自己喜欢的文章或片段,向
一、激发学习兴趣,调动学生的学习积极性  赞科夫说过:“对所学知识内容的兴趣可能成为学习动机。”为此,想要实现小学语文高效化教学目的,就需要教师意识到兴趣对学生学习的巨大作用,巧用新颖、多样的教学手段来激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生主动参与到教学活动中。比如在学习《黄山奇石》课文之时,课初教师可以设计这样的导入,先为学生播放黄山的整体风景图,尤其是要展示一下“四绝三瀑”,让学生充分感受到黄山的“美”与
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