A Comparative Exploration Study of the Instructions of Novice and Veteran Teachers in Senior High S

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  【Abstract】This is a comparative study of the classroom instructions applied by novice and veteran teachers in senior high school English reading class. It aims to investigate the effectiveness of class teaching between these two types of teachers within the Language-Content-Task (LCT)Framework.
  【Key words】classroom instructions; teaching effectiveness; Language-Content-Task Framework; novice and veteran teacher
  Classroom instructions are programmatic interpretations used to organize the class teaching (Brown, 1994). In brief, it refers to a speech act that guide students’ behavior in class, including the explanations and operations of activities associated with the course. In recent years, classroom discourse analysis has been a field of heated discussion among teachers and pedagogical researchers. It aims to describe the teaching and learning processes and illustrates the joint contributions of teachers and students, which furthermore provides language teachers and methodologists with profound bases of inspecting teaching activities. Studies from home and abroad have accumulated plentiful achievement and practice experience.
  Aims and objectives:
  As the direct source of instructions, teachers are supposed to attach much importance to the selection of instructional language and pragmatic strategies, which are believed to guarantee propitious communications in class. However, not all instructions are effective if teachers fail to perceive students’ language competence. In order to scrutinize the effectiveness of classroom instructions, this paper would study the differences of instructions applied by novice teachers and veteran teachers in senior high school English reading class within the LCT model(Short 2002).
  Based on the Language-Content-Task framework, this study aims to answer the following research questions:
  Which area of LCT do novice and veteran teachers take into consideration?
  What are the advantages and disadvantages of their instructions?
  Does the difference in instructions influence the teaching effectiveness?
  Participants included six English teachers and their students from Jiangsu Province Changshu Senior High School. All the teachers are teaching English as foreign language (EFL)and are teaching different grades ranging from Senior One to Senior Two. Three of them have less than four years of working experience, while another three have worked for over seven years. According to Berliner’s five stages of teachers’ skill development, the participants are divided into two groups: novice teacher and veteran teacher.   In this study, the data was mainly derived from audio-recording of classroom discourse and classroom observation. Some tests and interviews were adopted as well to assess students’ feedback and teaching effects. The tests were designed to investigate students’ reading comprehension and their overall knowledge. Finally there was an interview with five questions to offer explanations of difference in students’ results.
  Findings and Conclusion
  Altogether, 399 teacher’s class utterances were examined. 28% of them focused on language development while 33.5% of the oral interactions addressed content and 38.5% presented tasks.
  The reading comprehension test results indicated that students taught by veteran teachers who emphasize language may help students increase the development of functional language use and the acquisition of vocabularies, grammars and rhetoric. Interviews revealed that 70% held the view that most of teachers’ instructions were to help them to understand articles and accomplish practices in reading classes, at the same time, however, language learning was often developed through after-school homework. Besides, 87% of the students appreciated teachers’ instructions regarding language rather than task and content.
  Novice teachers mainly concentrate on the content while veteran teachers put emphasis on the language. The comparison offers implications for novice teachers. Novice teachers need to adjust their strategies of delivering instructions with the application of LCT framework. Teachers are supposed to arrange fair distribution of language, content and task when giving instructions in reading class. Lack of any aspect may lead to ineffective reading and insufficient acquisition of English language. Teachers with little working experience are recommended to receive some enlightenment of how to give instructions when teaching senior high school English reading class.
  [1]Brown,D.Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy[M].New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents,1994.
  [2]Short,D.J.Langugae Learning in Sheltered Social Studies Classes[J].TESOL JOURNAL,2002(11).
【摘要】本文以着眼文本阅读,渲染多维目标为前提,具体论述初中英语文本阅读的科学引导策略。  【关键词】初中英语 文本阅读 科学引导  在初中英语阅读教学过程中,学生的任务主要是对文本语言内容的理解,以及分析隐藏在语言表层意思之下的深层含义;对于教师来讲,其阅读教学的主要任务就是培养学生思考分析文本的能力。其中,为了能够深度挖掘文本的含义,便需要引导学生正确解读文本内容。下面就着眼文本阅读,渲染多维
王玲 编著  费嘉 绘    毛熊很漂亮,也很聪明。可是,小朋友们都不喜欢和他玩。这是为什么呢?因为他爱哭闹。  毛毛熊和小狗一起拍皮球。小狗能拍50下,可是毛毛熊只能拍10下。毛毛熊拍呀拍呀,怎么也拍不过小狗。毛毛熊气得大发脾气,把皮球扔了很远。小狗不高兴了,他说:“毛毛熊,你怎么又发脾气了?我就不和你玩了。”毛毛熊听小狗这么一说,反而哭了起来。看到毛毛熊哭个不停,小狗生气地走了。  毛毛熊又去
【Abstract】The paper tries to make an exploration on human value of struggle for the artistic concentration of Hemingway’s view of life based on The Old Man and the Sea which shows an issue on Human’s
【摘要】随着教育供给侧结构性改革的深入推进,医学英语作为专门用途英语的一个重要分支,暴露出许多突出的问题。本文以教育供给侧结构性改革为视阈,对这些问题进行了深入的剖析。在创新驱动发展战略的时代背景下,本文针对医学英语教学供给侧出现的问题提出了相应的改革路径与对策,力求能够为医学英语教育改革注入新动力。  【关键词】教育供给侧结构性改革;医学英语教育  【作者简介】宋茜,大连医科大学外语教研部。  
【摘要】在听、说、读、写四项英语语言基本技能中,写作成为很多初中生的“拦路虎”,即便已经掌握了一定的词汇、句型和篇章框架,写作中仍难免出现各种各样的问题,甚至产生畏惧写作的心理。为了提升学生的写作能力,本人从实际教学及教材出发,以每单元话题为主线,引导学生从三个不同维度锻炼写作能力,提升写作自信。  【关键词】初中英语;写作能力;维度;话题  【作者简介】杨月娇(1987.01-),女,云南大理人
这段时间,我们对近几年中考英语试卷进行了抽样调查,发现英语写作是大部分学生得分最为薄弱的一个题项。写作是必考题型之一,分值占整份卷子的十分之一,不容小觑。因此,如何提高学生的写作能力就成了初中教师在教学中亟待解决的问题之一。  通常情况下,英语写作教学都是按照:词—句—篇顺序。“词”是写作的基础,因此就要求学生坚持每天学,巩固单词。“句”是过度,用词造句或连词成句,或模仿例句进行大量口、笔头练习,
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