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南宋时临安城里的火灾十分严重,从建炎三年(1129)高宗南渡到临安,至德祐二年(1276)元兵攻入杭城,在建都140多年之间,“城中大火二十一度,其尤烈者五度”,至于小火灾,更是多不胜数了。 临安的火灾为什么这样多?分析其原因,大致有以下几点。 一是居民密集,炉灶连绵。高宗南渡之后,不但北方的官僚贵族,大贾富商,纷纷迁居杭城,而且“民之从者归如市”,临安人口迅猛增加,尤其与金国达成“绍兴 When the Southern Song Dynasty Lin’an city fire is very serious, from Jian Yan three years (1129) Gaozong Nanan to Lin’an, to De you two years (1276) Yuan soldiers scored into Hangzhou, in the capital more than 140 years, “the city fire 20 For a time, its especially strong five ”, as for the small fire, it is beyond count. Linan fire why so many? Analysis of the reasons, generally have the following points. First, densely populated, stoves. After Gaozong Nandu, not only the bureaucratic aristocrats and the wealthy merchants in the north moved to Hangzhou one after another, but “the people of the people belong to the city” and the population of Lin’an increased rapidly. In particular, they reached the agreement of "Shaoxing
序号城市元/每人每月l深圳3 192广州3oo3北京28()4上海28()5厦门265一3 156天津2417大连2218海口2219杭州22010宁波2 15ll济南208l2福州200一220l3青岛20()l4长沙2oo巧沈阳19
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历史总会在关键的节点以特别的方式留刻不容世人回避的印痕。所以。2008——这个徜徉在奥林匹克气息中的年份,注定成为泱泱中华。民族发展史上左右未来的关键刻度。 The His
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