Relationship Between 2:1 Mineral Structure and the Fixation and Release of Cations

来源 :Pedosphere | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yin2002cn2008
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The effects of different structures of 2: 1 layer minerals, layer charge location, and changes of structure and charge during the weathering process on the fixation and release of interlayer cations are reviewed. It could be concluded that the fixation capacity is determined by the total amount of interlayer charge originating from both octahedral and tetrahedral sheets. The relationship between interlayer cation fixation and octahedral structure of the secondary minerals may be different from that of the primary minerals. The oxidation and reduction of cations with variable valence can greatly influence the cation-fixation capacity. The effects of different structures of 2: 1 layer minerals, layer charge locations, and changes of structure and charge during the weathering process on the fixation and release of interlayer cations are reviewed. It could be concluded that the fixation capacity is determined by the total amount of interlayer charge originating from both octahedral and tetrahedral sheets. The relationship between interlayer cation fixation and octahedral structure of the secondary minerals may be different from that of the primary minerals. The oxidation and reduction of cations with variable valence can greatly influence the cation- fixation capacity.
[摘 要] 作为为社会和国家培养合格劳动者的职业技术学院,对于学生的培养不应仅局限于专业技能上的传授,更要注重学生思想品质上的塑造。着力于实现爱社会、意志坚定、品德高尚、追求新知、勇于创新的全面发展的人才目标。德育教学应该立足学校的办学特色,充分利用学校资源,才具有真正的生命力。  [关 键 词] 岗位学制;德育教学;资源;学校特色  [中图分类号] G711 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2
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