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寻宝记探险家姜龙与助手这年夏天到南极旅行时,偶然在酒店的地窖里,发现一张残旧的藏宝图,藏宝地点是赤道附近的一个小岛。两人兴高采烈地收拾行李,向小岛进发。他们到达小岛后,依照指示在某地挖掘,几经辛苦才掘出一个小木箱及一根短树枝。他们欢天喜地拆开一看,原来里面藏着数张字迹模糊的废纸,上面的文字分别为:一、早上最长;二、中午最短;三、傍晚最长;四、从东西的直线上,在傍晚时往东行10米。 Treasurer treasure explorer Jiang Long and his assistant When traveling to Antarctica this summer, he accidentally found a stubborn treasure map in the cellar of the hotel. The treasure spot was an island near the equator. The two happily packed their luggage to the island. Upon their arrival at the island, they dug in a certain place as instructed, and after a long period of hard labor they dug a small wooden box and a short branch. They opened their eyes joyfully, the original hidden inside a few pieces of paper with blurred words, the above text are: First, the longest morning; Second, the shortest noon; Third, the longest evening; Fourth, from the straight line, In the evening eastbound 10 meters.
Layered oxides NaMO_2(M is one metal or several metals mixture)are a potential materials,which can be used as cathodes for commercial sodium ion battery.These o
~(25)Mg(p,γ)~(26)Al is one of the key reactions for Mg-Al cycle in explosive hydrogen burning of stars.Its cross sections at star energies are essential to und
1 Nuclear data measurements1.1 Prompt fission neutron spectra(PFNS)measurement The high energy region of PFNS from ~(238)U fission induced by 2.8 MeV neutrons w
基于前期投影后变分(variation after projection,VAP)方法的经验,对该方法作了进一步发展。首次计算了投影能量的确切Hessian矩阵,这使得VAP计算更稳定,迭代收敛更快。在新
19 pairs of ~6Li and ~7Li glass were placed in multi-shells respectively,and a polyethylene sphere was divided into.The pairs detect thermal neutrons in differe
Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System(ADS)is an advanced nuclear energy system,which can transmute long-lived radionuclides effectively.In the ADS system,there
目的观察犀角地黄汤加减和青霉素联合治疗点滴型银屑病的疗效。方法 72例患者随机分为治疗组(36例)与对照组(36例)。治疗组给予青霉素钠针剂每日静滴800万U/d;联合犀角地黄汤
A new variation after projection(VAP)calculation based on a time-odd Hartree-Fock(HF)mean field was implemented.The exact Hessian matrix of the projected energy