
来源 :天津市政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mjynht
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第一章总则第一条为保护正当广告,防止有碍社会秩序之宣传,整肃市容特制定本规则。第二条凡在本市以含有招徕宣传性质的图画、文字、招牌、标志等,利用各种宣传方式揭布宣传者,均以广告论。除法令别有规定者外,悉依本规则管理之。第三条揭布各种广告宣传者,均须事先报经公用局核准后,始能揭布。第四条除户外按装之霓虹灯广告外,各厂商等就其营业门面范围以内悬挂招牌、标志、货样或张贴各种宣传品者,准免登记;但内容及方法务须合法纯正。第五条有关配合时事及政策的宣传品或法定节日之文告、标语、彩牌楼等,准免登记。但事后未能拆除者,公用局得会同有关部门督促清除或取缔。第六条广告内容有下列情形之一者,不准揭布。(一)事涉反动宣传者。(二)滥用国旗、国徽、军旗或革命领袖肖像者。 Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 These Rules are formulated for the purpose of protecting proper advertisements, preventing any publicity obstructing the social order and purging the city. Article 2 Where in the city with a publicity to attract the publicity of the pictures, text, signs, signs, etc., using a variety of publicity to expose the publicity, are advertising. Except as otherwise provided for in the Act, these Rules are governed by these Rules. The third publication of all kinds of advertisers, must be reported in advance by the Public Board for approval, before they can be unveiled. Article 4 Except for the neon signs installed outdoors, various manufacturers, etc., shall be exempt from registration for hanging signboards, signs, samples or various publicity materials within the scope of their business façade. However, the contents and methods of affairs must be lawful and genuine. Article 5 Quotations, slogans, license plates and other publicity materials or statutory holidays in line with current affairs and policies shall be exempt from registration. However, after the failure to dismantle, the Public Service Bureau will urge the removal or banning together with the relevant departments. Article advertising content in any of the following circumstances, are not allowed to publish. (A) involved in reactionary propaganda. (B) abuse of the national flag, national emblem, flag or revolutionary leader portraits.
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1 问题提出由于混凝土本身为一种多孔体,水分及空气中的CO_2很容易进入其中,特别是在潮湿的间歇性环境条件下,水气进入混凝土内部,逐渐把水泥石中的氧化钙变成氢氧化钙及碳