
来源 :欧洲研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kfyddp
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欧洲一体化从经济领域发轫到实现三根支柱撑起的欧洲联盟,其中环境政策与法律已从无到有,其发展大致可以划分为形成期、确立期和深化期三个阶段。随着一体化的深入,环境政策从建设共同市场的副产品演变成为欧盟实现可持续发展目标的重要工具。通过欧盟基础条约的修订,环境政策和法律的立法依据得到明确;环境政策决策机制不断演变;环境政策法律的实施手段推陈出新。但是欧盟环境领域的行动也会受到欧盟与成员国分权的影响。另外,在放松管制的背景下,如何实现欧盟可持续发展目标成为欧盟环境政策的中心任务。 From the economic field to the European Union where the three pillars are propped up, European integration has gone from nothing to environmental policy and law. Its development can be broadly divided into three stages: formation, establishment and deepening. With the deepening of integration, environmental policy has evolved from a byproduct of building a common market to an important tool of the EU in achieving the goal of sustainable development. Through the revision of the EU’s basic treaty, the legislative basis for environmental policies and laws has been clearly defined; the policy-making mechanism for environmental policies has evolved; and the means for implementing environmental policies and laws has been revitalized. However, the actions of the EU in the environmental field will also be affected by the decentralization of the EU and its member states. In addition, in the context of deregulation, how to achieve the EU’s goal of sustainable development has become the central task of the EU’s environmental policy.
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