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不同的耕作制度会影响土壤中寄生性线虫的种类及密度,以往农田以栽水稻为主,线虫相较为单纯,自推行稻田转作后,旱地作物种类增多,使得寄生性线虫问题变得复杂。在鹿草分场对六种不同耕作制度进行寄生性线虫包括水稻穿根线虫、矮化线虫、螺旋线虫及环纹线虫等周年消长调查,结果显示.(1)水稻——水稻连作制度下,早稻及晚稻线虫密度均以水稻穿根线虫密度最高,矮化线虫次之,螺旋线虫最低。(2)水稻——大豆——玉米轮作制度下,早稻、夏大豆及秋玉米的线虫密度均以矮化线虫密度最高、螺旋线虫次之,水稻穿根线虫密 Different tillage systems will affect the species and density of parasitic nematodes in the soil. In the past, the main farmland was rice planting. The nematodes were relatively simple. After the rice field was switched on, the crops in the dry land increased and the parasitic nematode problem became complicated. The investigation on the annual growth of parasitic nematodes including root-knot nematodes, dwarfing nematodes, helix nematodes and ringworm in six different tillage systems in Deer grass sub-field showed that: (1) Under the continuous cropping system of rice and rice, The density of early and late rice nematodes were the highest in root-shoot density, followed by dwarfing nematodes and lowest in helix nematodes. (2) Under the system of rice-soybean-maize rotation, the density of the dwarfing nematodes was the highest in the early rice, summer soybean and autumn corn, followed by the spirochete,
乌桕金带蛾(Eupterote sapivora Yang)俗称合辣子、乌桕毛虫,属鳞翅目,带蛾科。由北京农业大学杨集昆教授定名为一新种。主要危害乌桕、泡桐、杨树等13种经济和用材树种,是
这次研讨会收到论文二十余篇,和以往对比质量有所提高,资料论据比较充分,和当前税制改革结合较为紧密,讨论中大家也提出许多不同见解。成绩应该肯定,下足之处主要有: 一、会
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