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第四节沼液防治病虫害经厌氧发酵的沼液,是一种无致病细菌的优质有机肥。沼液除含氮、磷、钾外,还含有丰富的氨基酸和各种激素,如赤霉素、生长激素、维生索B12等。用沼液浸泡作物种籽后,可增强作物的生长能力和抗病能力。施甩沼肥的作物,可抑制土壤中有害病菌的传播和杀灭害虫。上海农科院土肥所用沼液浸泡大麦种的实验研究表明:沼液浸种处理后的植株,含生长激素是对照病株的9倍,脱落素只有对照植株的1/8。在病株中,脱落素是生长激素的50倍,细胞分裂素的10倍。大麦黄花叶病,是大麦产区的毁灭性病害,常因黄花叶病传播侵害而导致严重减产。上海农科院土肥所在数千亩大麦产区运用推广沼液浸种处理,使黄花叶病害抑制率达90%以上,比对照小区平均增产20—50%,而投入产出比是1∶8。 Section IV Biogas Prevention and Control of Pests and Diseases Anaerobic fermentation of biogas slurry is a kind of high-quality organic fertilizer without pathogenic bacteria. Biogas slurry in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, but also rich in amino acids and various hormones, such as gibberellin, growth hormone, vitamin B12 and so on. Immersing crop seeds with biogas slurry enhances crop growth and disease resistance. The application of biogas fertilizer crops, can inhibit the spread of harmful bacteria in the soil and kill pests. The experiment of immersing barley in biogas slurry used by soil fertilizers by Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences showed that: the biogas slurry soaked in the seed soaked with the growth hormone contained 9 times of the control strain and only 1/8 of the control. In diseased plants, the amount of abscisin is 50 times that of growth hormone and 10 times that of cytokinin. Barley yellow mosaic disease, is a devastating disease in barley producing areas, often due to the spread of yellow mosaic disease caused serious cuts. Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences where thousands of acres of land where the use of soil fertilizers to promote the soaking liquid barley seed so that the yellow mosaic disease inhibition rate of 90% or more, compared with the control plot average yield of 20-50%, while the input-output ratio is 1: 8.
五、播种与播种前后的管理 室温在20—25℃之间,料温在28℃以下,绝对无再升温现象后,方可准备播种。室内相对湿度75—80%。采用穴播加表播的方法,株行距10×10厘米,每平方米1
乌桕金带蛾(Eupterote sapivora Yang)俗称合辣子、乌桕毛虫,属鳞翅目,带蛾科。由北京农业大学杨集昆教授定名为一新种。主要危害乌桕、泡桐、杨树等13种经济和用材树种,是
这次研讨会收到论文二十余篇,和以往对比质量有所提高,资料论据比较充分,和当前税制改革结合较为紧密,讨论中大家也提出许多不同见解。成绩应该肯定,下足之处主要有: 一、会
十二、球坚介壳虫球坚介壳虫可为害仁果类,核果类和葡萄等多种果树。雌成虫体长4~5毫米,体呈球形,红褐色或紫褐色。体后端近乎垂直,前端及两侧的下缘 In twelve, the ball J