Effects of intramuscular injections of vitamin E-selenium and a gonadotropin releasing hormone analo

来源 :亚太生殖杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhtlunwen
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Objective: To investigate the effects of intramuscular injection of vitamin E-selenium and a GnRH analogue (GnRHa) on reproductive performance and serum biochemical parameters in post-molt male broiler breeders. Methods: A total of 32 ROSS 308 male broiler breeders (60 weeks of age) were induced to molt and then were randomly distributed into four groups: group 1 (control) without any injection, group 2 subjected to intramuscular of 0.1 mL/kg body weight of vitamin E-selenium, group 3 subjected to intramuscular of 0.3 mL Receptal solution as a GnRHa and group IV subjected to intramuscular both of vitamin E-selenium and GnRHa. Results: The results showed that the egg hatchability and fertility percentages were increased and the eggs infertility percentage declined significantly in groups 3 and 4 (P<0.05). However, eggs and chicks weight was not affected by experimental treatments (P>0.05). The results of blood biochemical parameters indicated that serum glucose was higher in group 3 which was injected with GnRHa (P<0.05). The experimental treatments did not alter hepatic enzymes activity including AST and ALT (P>0.05). The results showed that serum testosterone concentration was increased in groups 3 and 4 (P< 0.05). In addition, the serum concentration of T4 (tetraiodothyronie) was higher in groups 3 and 4 (P<0.05). However, the T3 (triiodothyronine) concentration was not influenced by experimental treatments (P>0.05). Conclusions: It is concluded that reproductive performance and serum testosterone in post-molt male broiler breeders were improved by treated with vitamin E-selenium and GnRHa.
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