德国PROTEC COMPACT 35洗片机复合故障维修一例

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德国PROTECCOMPACT35自动洗片机,近期发生整机无电或虽有电而驱动电机不转不能洗片现象,经检查确认系复合故障所致,其具体检查。维修过程如下。故障现象:洗片机开机后整机无电,兼或虽有电而驱动电机不转,有时也亦伴有开机有电但马上又无电现象,致洗片机 Germany PROTECCOMPACT35 automatic chip machine, the recent occurrence of the whole machine without electricity or electricity and the drive motor can not turn the phenomenon can not be washed, after inspection and confirmation of the composite fault caused by the specific inspection. The repair process is as follows. Symptoms: After the start-up of the washing machine, the whole machine is without electricity, or even if there is electricity, the drive motor does not turn, sometimes it is also accompanied by a power-on but immediately no electricity phenomenon, resulting in the washing machine
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