
来源 :汉字文化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:marrymattion
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吕炳奎先生写了《文字改革的经验教训应当吸收》的文章。他指出,三十多年的文字改革是失败的,并且造成了严重的后果:小学生识字更难了,社会上文盲越来越多,文化水平越来越低。“我们是世界上最大的民族,没有自己的文字与文化是不可能存在和发展的。”所以他呼吁吸取教训,采取措施,恢复文字应有的地位,把汉字文化扩展到世界广阔的领域去。这和多年来宣传文字改革的观点大相径庭。文字与文化既然关系到民族前途,就应当引起广大炎黄子孙深长思考。文字改革运动究竟给我们这个民族带来了什么? Mr. Lu Bingkui wrote an article entitled “Experiences and Lessons of Text Reform should be Absorbed.” He pointed out that 30 years of reform in writing have failed and have had serious consequences: primary school students are harder to read, more and more illiterates are in society, and their educational level is getting lower and lower. “We are the largest nation in the world and it is impossible to exist and develop without our own words and culture.” Therefore, he called for lessons learned and measures taken to restore the due status of Chinese characters and extend the Chinese culture to a vast area of ​​the world . This is quite different from the idea of ​​promoting literary reform over the years. Since the relationship between words and culture relates to the future of the nation, it should arouse the thinking of the vast majority of Chinese people. What does the word reform movement bring to our nation?
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