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面对“十二五”的新形势新任务新挑战,如何通过加强和改进企业党建思想政治工作,深入持久地推进企业文化建设,卓有成效地做好群团工作,从而将政治优势转化成可持续的发展优势,将企业文化力转化为科学发展的推动力,将员工的积极性转化为企业持久的创造力?中共中国石油天然气集团公司党组《关于中国石油思想政治保障体系建设的意见》(于2011年1月荣获“全国优秀思想政治工作研究成果一等奖”),从建设综合性国际能源公司的战略目标出发,紧密结合实际,将企业党建、思想政治工作、企业文化建设、群团工作与经营管理融为一体,系统思考、统筹兼顾、顶层设计、纵横贯通、体系化推进,弘扬优良传统、总结实践经验、破解发展难题、探索工作规律、构建长效机制,较好地做到了紧扣时代特点、把握内在规律、富有创新创造、融入管理实践的有机统一,立意宏大高远、格局大气厚重、内容丰富深刻、指导性操作性强,为我们提供了一个良好的范例。为推进广大国有企业尤其是中央企业认真贯彻执行由中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅转发的《中央宣传部、国务院国资委关于加强和改进新形势下国有及国有控股企业思想政治工作的意见》,本刊第3~4期将连载《关于中国石油思想政治保障体系建设的意见》,以资其他企业从中获取启示与借鉴。敬请关注。 Faced with the new situation, new tasks and new challenges in the “12th Five-Year Plan”, how to push forward the corporate culture construction in an in-depth and sustained manner and do a good job of mass organization by strengthening and improving the party’s ideological and political work in the enterprise so as to transform the political advantages into Sustainable development advantages, the corporate culture into a driving force for scientific development, the enthusiasm of staff into lasting enterprise creativity? CPC China National Petroleum Corporation party “on China’s oil ideological and political security system of the views of” ( Won the “First Prize of Outstanding Ideological and Political Work Research Achievements” in January 2011, starting from the strategic goal of building a comprehensive international energy company and combining closely with the actual situation, the party building, ideological and political work, corporate culture construction, Group work and management integration, systematic thinking, overall consideration, top-level design, vertical and horizontal, systematic promotion, promote fine traditions, sum up practical experience, crack development problems, explore the work rules, build long-term mechanism, better Has achieved the characteristics of the times closely, grasp the inherent laws, innovative and creative, integrated into the management practice of organic unity , Ambitious ambitious, heavy atmosphere of the atmosphere, rich in content, guiding the operation of strong, provides us with a good example. In order to push forward the “Opinions of the Central Propaganda Department and SASAC of the State Council on Strengthening and Improving the Ideological and Political Work of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises in the New Situation”, which were forwarded by the general office of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the majority of state-owned enterprises, especially the central enterprises, Articles 3 to 4 of this issue will be serialized “on China’s oil political and ideological and political security system, the views of” other funded enterprises to gain inspiration and reference. stay tuned.
总结了我院10年间收治的成人Still 病12例,确诊前误诊为风湿热3例,败血症1例,结核病2例,伤寒2例,病毒性心肌炎2侧,系统性红斑狼疮1例,骨髓异常增生综合征1例。误诊时间达4个
对176例病人和137名医生的调查结果提示,应重视改善风湿病病人的症状,增强其信心和指导病人的自我调理;必须重视对抗风湿药物的考核和严格控制药物的宣传。 The findings of
1 临床资料 30例均为我院门诊病人,年龄最大58岁,最小29岁,其中1例为糖尿病患者。诊断依据:外阴痒,刺痛,或尿频、尿痛等。妇科检查分泌物呈豆渣样覆盖,阴道粘膜充血并有灰白