Electro-optically tunable self-focusing and self-defocusing in KTP crystals by a cascaded second-ord

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:killer0662
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We report the transformation of a linear electro-optically tunable non-phase-matched second-order nonlinear process into a cascaded second-order nonlinear process in a bulk KTP crystal to generate the effect of electrooptically tunable Kerr-type nonlinearity. By applying an electric field on the x–y plane, parallel to the z-axis of the crystal, phase mismatch is created, which introduces a nonlinear phase shift between the launched and reconverted fundamental waves from the generated second harmonic wave. Due to the nonuniform radial intensity distribution of a Gaussian beam, a curvature will be introduced into the fundamental wavefront, which focuses or defocuses the incident beam while propagating through the crystal. We report the transformation of a linear electro-optically tunable non-phase-matched second-order nonlinear process into a cascaded second-order nonlinear process in a bulk KTP crystal to generate the effect of electrooptically tunable Kerr-type nonlinearity. By applying an electric field on the x-y plane, parallel to the z-axis of the crystal, phase to mismatch is created, which introduces a nonlinear phase shift between the launched and reconverted fundamental waves from the generated second harmonic wave. Due to the nonuniform radial intensity distribution of a Gaussian beam, a curvature will be introduced into the fundamental wavefront, which focuses or defocuses the incident beam while propagating through the crystal.
Differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) has been widely applied to study crystallization and melting of materials. However, for polymeric lamellar crystals, the
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