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黑格尔用正题、反题、合题的三段式来表述否定之否定规律,马克思把它改造成为肯定、否定、否定之否定规律。能否用两次否定、三个阶段的三段式来表述否定之否定规律,这个问题在国内外哲学界中,历来就有争论。本文从黑格尔自己对正、反、合的论述以及马克思、恩格斯、列宁对它的改造,论证黑格尔的三段式中包含着合理的东西,三阶段的周期性是客观过程的正确概括。本文不同意那种认为多次否定、多个阶段才是马克思主义的否定之否定的观点,指出其所以错误正是把部分否定当作否定而引起的。本文也不同意用肯定和否定的对立统一的两段式来表述否定之否定规律,指出其错误是对列宁提出的对立统一规律是唯物辩证法的实质、核心的论点作了简单化的理解所致,其结果是否认否定之否定规律作为独立的一个辩证法规律。 Hegel expresses the negative law of negation from the three paragraphs of the topic, the counter-question and the question, and Marx turns it into the negative law of affirmation, negation and negation. Whether we can express the negative law of negation by two negatives and three-stage three-stage ones has always been the subject of controversy in the philosophical circles at home and abroad. This article from Hegel’s own discussion of positive and negative, and co-Marx and Engels, Lenin to transform it, demonstrating that Hegel’s three-part contains reasonable things, the three stages of the cyclical nature of the objective process is correct Summarized. This article disagrees with the view that the multiple negation and the multiple stages are the negation of Marxism, pointing out that it is precisely because mistakes are caused by the negation of partial negation. This article also disagrees with the positive and negative contradictory unity of the two paragraphs to denote the negative law of negation, pointing out that its error is against Lenin’s law of the unity of opposites is the essence of materialist dialectics, the core of the argument made a simple understanding of , The result of which is denying the negative law of negation as an independent law of dialectics.
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该文参照《宋史》为《俄藏黑水城文献》西夏社会文书中的榷场文书、扑买文书及手实文书提供了一些有益于释读、研究的背景知识,可以加深对西夏社会文书的理解。 This paper