开拓进取 乘势而上 努力推进县域经济步入科学发展轨道

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近年来,漠河县抢抓国家实施“天保”工程、西部大开发和振兴东北老工业基地等政策机遇,突出和谐主题,加快发展,深入推进“生态立县、旅游强县、特色兴县、边贸活县、招商富县”五大战略,取得了国民经济快速增长、“三个文明”协调发展的新成绩。先后获得了全国绿化模范县、国家卫生县城、全国“五一劳动奖状”、全国精神文明建设先进单位等荣誉称号。一、保护资源,强基立本,构建生态示范县资源是林区的生存之基、发展之本。近年,我们立足建 In recent years, Mohe County has seized policy opportunities such as “Natural Forest Protection” project carried out by the State, large-scale development of the western region and rejuvenation of the northeast old industrial base, highlighted the theme of harmony, accelerated development and further promoted “eco-li county, strong tourist county, Huoxian County and Merchants Fuxian County ”and achieved new achievements in the rapid growth of the national economy and the coordinated development of“ three civilizations. ” Has won the honorary title of the National Greening Model County, the county of national health, the National “May 1 Labor Certificate of Merit”, the national advanced unit of spiritual civilization construction. First, the protection of resources, strong base, building ecological demonstration county resources is the basis for the survival of the forest, the development of this. In recent years, we are based on construction
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