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峰峰矿区地处太行山东麓边缘,属华北地层区,矿区含水层可分为四大含水岩系,其中第四系孔隙含水层地下水和二叠系砂岩含水层地下水主要接受降水补给,石炭系薄层灰岩含水层地下水除接受沟谷河段渗漏补给外,在局部接受下伏奥陶系灰岩地下水的补给,奥陶系灰岩含水层地下水主要接受鼓山、九山及西北部灰岩裸露区降水补给。峰峰矿区有生产矿井13对,废弃矿井4对,本次研究对象为废弃的一矿和二矿。本文运用水化学成分和氢氧稳定同位素作为水循环过程的示踪剂,研究了峰峰矿区不同含水层地下水的水文地球化学特征,并在此基础上识别了废弃矿井主要充水来源。通过现场调查,系统采集了该区废弃矿井水、奥灰水、薄层灰岩水、砂岩水和松散岩类孔隙水水样,并采用离子色谱法、滴定法和高分辨率激光光谱法在实验室完成了水化学成分(K~+、Na~+、Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)、Cl~-、SO_4~(2-)、HCO_3~-和Sr~(2+))和氢氧稳定同位素组分(D和~(18)O)测定。水化学分析结果显示,废弃矿井水、奥灰水的水化学类型主要为HCO_3-SO_4-Ca-Mg,属于低矿化度水;不同水体Sr~(2+)含量存在一定的差异,废弃矿井水和奥灰水Sr~(2+)平均值分别为0.67mg/L和0.69mg/L,且二者Sr~(2+)/Ca~(2+)和Sr~(2+)/Mg~(2+)比值比较接近,可能说明二者存在密切的水力联系;不同水体水化学成分主要受到溶滤作用的影响。氢氧稳定同位素研究表明,砂岩水和孔隙水δD和δ~(18)O相对富集,废弃矿井水和奥灰水δD和δ~(18)O值比较接近。结合矿区奥灰含水层富水性强并与煤系地层存在密切水力联系的水文地质条件,说明奥灰水为废弃矿井水的主要充水水源。 Fengfeng mine is located in the edge of the Taihang Mountains at the edge of the North China stratum, the aquifer can be divided into four major aquifer rocks, including the Quaternary aquifer aquifer groundwater and Permian sandstone aquifer groundwater mainly receive precipitation recharge, Carboniferous In addition to the seepage recharge of the Gully reach, the groundwater of the thin-layer limestone aquifer accepts locally the supply of groundwater from the underlying Ordovician limestone. The groundwater of the Ordovician limestone aquifer mainly accepts the limestone of Gushan, Jiushan and northwest Precipitation recharge. There are 13 production mines in Fengfeng Mining Area and 4 pairs of abandoned mines. This research object is abandoned mines and mines. In this paper, the hydrochemistry components and hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes are used as tracers in the water cycle process to study the hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater in different aquifers in Fengfeng Mine Area. Based on this, the main sources of water in abandoned mines are identified. Through on-the-spot investigation, the system collected the water samples of abandoned mine water, Ordovician gray water, thin-bedded limestone water, sandstone water and loose rock type pore water in this area, and analyzed by the methods of ion chromatography, titration and high resolution laser spectroscopy The chemical composition (K +, Na +, Ca 2+, Mg 2+, Cl ~ -, SO 4 2-, HCO 3 -3 and Sr 2+) ) And hydrogen stable isotope components (D and ~ (18) O). The results of water chemistry analysis show that the water chemistry types of abandoned mine water and Ordovician gray water are mainly HCO_3-SO_4-Ca-Mg, which belong to low salinity water. There are some differences in the content of Sr_ (2+) in different water bodies. The average values ​​of Sr ~ (2+) in water and Ordovician were 0.67 mg / L and 0.69 mg / L, respectively, and Sr ~ (2 +) / Ca ~ (2+) and Sr ~ (2 +) / Mg ~ (2+) ratio is close, which may indicate that there is a close hydraulic connection between them. The chemical composition of water in different water bodies is mainly affected by the leaching effect. Hydrogen-oxygen stable isotope studies show that the δD and δ ~ (18) O of sandstone and pore water are relatively rich, and the δD and δ ~ (18) O values ​​of abandoned mine water and Ordovician lime water are relatively close. Based on the hydrogeological conditions that have strong water-bearing capacity of Ordovician aquifers and close hydraulic connection with coal measures strata, Ordovician gray water is the main source of water for waste mine water.
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选取10 种化学组分利用多元统计分析确定龙门峡南煤矿矿区范围内水化学过程, 并进行了风井突水点水源识别.研究区内地下水属于HCO32Ca 型水.选取三个特征根大于1 的主成分进