
来源 :消费经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:erhtyyuk
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随着社会主义市场经济的发展,各种市场逐步建立和发展完善。娱乐市场也在社会主义市场经济的浪潮中迅速发展。上海自1984年7月第一家营业性舞厅、音乐茶座开业后,发展势头较快。这些娱乐场所绝大多数是由文化部门、企事业全民所有制或集体所有制单位经营,是娱乐市场的主体,部分三资企业所经营的娱乐场所只是一个补充。至于个体经营者是不允许经营娱乐场所的。进人各类娱乐场所的消费人数呈现逐年增长的趋势。上海的娱乐场所有很大的差异。高档消费的娱乐场所,以迪斯科舞厅为主,基本附设在高级宾馆内,豪华型的装修设备,全进口的娱乐设备,有的还专请国外或境外乐队、歌手伴舞、伴唱。中档消费的娱乐场所,装修设备属高级型,部分设备进口,聘请乐队和歌手伴舞、伴唱。低档的娱乐场所,大多数由原有的礼堂、会场改装而成,设备较简易,属普及型,乐队伴舞,普遍聘请业余乐手,一般不用歌手。娱乐场所消费档次的差异,满足了各种层次消费者的需要。 With the development of the socialist market economy, various markets have gradually established and developed. The entertainment market is also rapidly developing in the wave of the socialist market economy. Since the opening of the first commercial ballroom and music cafe in Shanghai in July 1984, Shanghai has seen rapid development. The vast majority of these entertainment venues are operated by the cultural sector, enterprises and institutions owned by the whole people or collectively-owned entities, and are the mainstay of the entertainment market. Some entertainment establishments operated by foreign-funded enterprises are only complementary. As for self-employed individuals, they are not allowed to operate entertainment venues. The number of consumers entering various types of entertainment venues has been increasing year by year. Shanghai’s casino is all very different. The entertainment venues for high-end consumption are mainly discotheques, which are basically attached to high-end hotels, luxury decoration equipment, and all imported entertainment equipment. Some also invite foreign or overseas bands and singers to dance and sing. In mid-range consumer entertainment venues, the decoration equipment is of advanced type, and some equipment is imported. Bands and singers are invited to dance and sing. Most of the low-grade entertainment venues were converted from the original auditorium and venue, and the equipment is relatively simple. It is a popular type, with the band dancing, generally hires amateur musicians, and generally does not need a singer. The differences in the consumption levels of entertainment venues meet the needs of consumers at all levels.
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国际俄罗斯语言文学教师协会 (МАПРЯЛ)第十届代表大会于 6月 30日至 7月 5日在俄罗斯圣彼得堡召开。6月 30日下午 3点 30分 ,大会开幕式在圣彼得堡塔夫利达宫的杜马大
一、机电产品的全球性生产 根据马克思主义关于人类社会生产力的理论,生产力要素中包括两大部分:一是人的要素,即具有一定的科学技术知识、生产经验和劳动技能的劳动者;二是