Research on College Students’ Innovational and Entrepreneurial Education

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  Abstract: The innovational and entrepreneurial education, which is beneficial to the improvement of employment structure and the advocating of employment, just began the prologue in college and university education. To improve college students’ competitiveness, colleges and universities must take a number of measures to promote this new kind of education among college students, advancing the further development of reform in education, propelling the higher education to meet the needs of future economic and social development. How to carefully examine the present situation of innovational and entrepreneurial education and how to solve problems during the process are the focus of the article.
  Key words: research; innovational and entrepreneurial education; colleges and universities
  1. The necessity of developing college students’ innovational and entrepreneurial education
  Innovation is the soul for a nation’s progress and a motivating power for a nation’s prosperity.
  Through the whole development and history of the nation, a powerful nation depends on advanced science and technology. The vital force of scientific and technological development comes from innovation. The present international competition is up to the competition of overall national strength, whose core is the competition of scientific and technological talents. Colleges and universities are the bases for cultivating talents, who possess the qualities of innovation and entrepreneurship and are able to adjust themselves to the ever-changing future society. Therefore, it can effectively push forward the construction of an innovative nation.
  In recent years, college recruitment has been expanding, and the graduates have been increasing year by year. More and more graduates rush into the personnel market, which generates much employment pressure for society. As we all know, on one hand, the public institutions cut payroll to improve efficiency, which makes it hard to employ more graduates; on the other hand, large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises cannot provide the graduates with enough employment opportunities due to structural adjustment and industrial optimization restructuring. Under such a difficult employment situation, the college graduates are likely to be faced with unemployment as soon as they graduate, which can bring about a lot of social unrest factors. So it is an important approach for college students striving toward the society to develop innovational and entrepreneurial education and guide more college students into the team of innovation and entrepreneurship.
中国商人舆情关注榜第四名:沈南鹏中国商人舆情指数:88分角色:红杉资本创始及执行合伙人  语录:我接触过很多85后创业者,我相信新一代会比上一辈创业者更加出彩。原因是这批年轻
摘 要:英语课程目标主要包括语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略及文化意识等五个方面。中学英语课程要在全面提高学、说、读、写等四项技能以及在提高这四种技能综合运用能力的前提下,着重培养学生理解与表达的能力,用英语获取信息,处理信息的能力,用英语分析问题,解决问题的能力等。  关键词:英语课程 学习英语  英语是一门语言学科,所以它具备语言学科的一切特点:  第一,它是一门知识学科,知识的来源首
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