Hu Shi's Essay \\"More Researches,Less Doctrines\\" Was \\"a Malicious Att

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On July 20,1919,Hu Shi had his essay entitled “More Researches,Less Doctrines” (hereafter referred as Hu’s essay) published in Weekly Review No.31.The essay gave rise to the debate on “problem or doctrine” .The 1950s’ saw an officially-mobilized massive campaign in the mainland Chins against Hu Shi’s thought.Hu’s essay was interpreted from the perspective of “revolutionary history” and looked upon as “a malicious attack against Marxism” .Since then the debate has carried extraordinarily political significance.Up to now,all the authoritative domestic newspapers and periodicals as well as most publications concerned still take the debate on “problem or doctrine” as the watershed between Marxism and non-Marxism.The author of this paper holds that the above-mentioned views on Hu Shi hardly tally with the historical facts.This paper therefore attempts to give a historically valid review of Hu’s essay. On July 20, 1919, Hu Shi had his essay entitled “More Researches, Less Doctrines” (hereafter referred to as Hu’s essay) published in Weekly Review No. 31. The essay gave rise to the debate on “problem or doctrine ”The 1950s’ saw an officially-mobilized massive campaign in the mainland Chins against Hu Shi’s thought. Huss essay was interpreted from the perspective of“ revolutionary history ”and looked upon as“ a malicious attack against Marxism. ”Sinceince then the debate has carried extraordinarily political significance.Up to now, all the authoritative domestic newspapers and periodicals as well as most publications concerned still take the debate on “problem or doctrine” as the watershed between Marxism and non-Marxism.The author of this paper holds that the above-mentioned views on Hu Shi hardly tally with the historical facts. This paper causes attempts to give a historically valid review of Hu’s essay.
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