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1999年9月16日,北京市首都公路发展有限责任公司(简称“首发公司”)正式揭牌运营。成立首发公司是北京市委、市政府深化城市基础设施建设投融资体制和企业运营机制改革的一项重要举措。作为北京市政府的独资企业,首发公司开创了北京高速公路建设、运营管理、筹融资和相关产业开发企业化运营的全新体制,为进一步提高北京城市基础设施建设能力,保证如期实现首都高速公路网络建设目标做出了重要贡献。五年来,首发集团已经成为坐拥资产350亿元,员工队伍7300人的大型企业,新建高速公路超过270公里,成为北京基础设施建设的巨擎。郭普金,首发集团董事长,作为北京高速路网的当家人,他和他领导的首发集团,是媒体和投资界人士特别希望了解的对象。一向低调的郭普金董事长,在“北京市推进基础设施建设市场化国际论坛”开幕前夕,激动于北京市力推基础设施投融资体制改革创新思路的举措,接受了本刊记者的专访。 On September 16, 1999, Beijing Capital Highway Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Start-up Company”) officially unveiled the operation. The establishment of the starting company is an important measure taken by Beijing municipal government to deepen the investment and financing system for urban infrastructure construction and the reform of enterprise operating mechanism. As the sole proprietorship of the Beijing municipal government, the starting company pioneered a new system for Beijing’s expressway construction, operation and management, fund-raising and enterprise-related operation and development. In order to further enhance Beijing’s urban infrastructure construction capacity and ensure the realization of the capital expressway network Construction goals have made an important contribution. Over the past five years, the starting group has become a large-scale enterprise with an assets of 35 billion yuan and a workforce of 7,300. It has built more than 270 kilometers of expressways and became a giant engine for infrastructure construction in Beijing. Guo Pujin, chairman of the starting group, as the Beijing high-speed network when the family, he and he led the starting group, is the media and investment community especially want to understand the object. Chairman Guo Pujin, who has always been a low profile, excited at the initiative of Beijing Municipality in pushing forward innovation and innovation of infrastructure investment and financing system on the eve of the Beijing International Forum for Promoting Infrastructure Construction Marketization and accepted an interview with this reporter.
陈乐素《求是集》第二集(广东人民出版社,1984年版)第249页引宋代苏轼的《书海南风土》文,作“岭南天气卑湿,地气蒸溽,而海南为 Chen Lansu “Seeking Is Set” Episode 2
最近,《上饶晚报》刊登了“低保户自评生活状况”一文,读后使人耳目一新,很受感动。低保户自评生活状况得民心,服人心。 Recently, “Shangrao Evening News” published a