Wanyang Comes on Stream Lead and Sulfuric Acid Project

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On March 28th,Jiyuan Wanyang Smelting(Group)Company Limited came on stream an 80000 t/a lead smelting project in Jiyuan,Henan province of central China.“The project is designed to annually produce 80000 tons crude lead,80 000 tons electrolysis lead,78000 On March 28th, Jiyuan Wanyang Smelting (Group) Company Limited came on stream an 80000 t / a lead smelting project in Jiyuan, Henan province of central China. ”The project is designed to produce 80000 tons crude lead, 80 000 tons electrolysis lead, 78000
国家经贸委、外经贸部、海关总署于1995年7月20日联合发出通知,从1995年7月1日起实施新的特定产品目录,原国经贸[1993]564号文所附的《特定产品目录》同时废止。 The State
【正】 Methane chlorides include methane monochloride,methane dichloride,methane trichloride and carbon tetrachloride.In China methane monochloride is mainly pr
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1、Leonardo was the love child of Caterina,a peasant,and Ser Piero,a lawyer andlandlord.He was homeschooled and lacked a formal education in Greek and Latin.2、
Soda ash In March soda ash price increased an average of RMB 100/t on February,or 40% and surg-ing 28.5% yearly.Heavy soda ash price is averaged at RMB2 185/t