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据海关统计,今年上半年我国外商投资企业进出口总值达463亿美元,比上年同期(下同)增长29.4%,继续保持较快的增长势头。其中,出口189.4亿美元,增长了40.6%;进口273.6亿美元,增长22.6%,进出口逆差84.2亿美元,扣除外商投资企业非经营性进口,外商投资企业进出口仍逆差5.6亿美元,这与上半年全国外贸顺差131.7亿美元形成了明显的反差。上半年外商投资企业进出口主要有以下特 According to customs statistics, the total value of imports and exports of foreign-invested enterprises in China during the first half of this year reached US$46.3 billion, an increase of 29.4% over the same period of the previous year, and continued to maintain a relatively rapid growth. Among them, exports accounted for 18.94 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 40.6%; imports accounted for 27.60 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 22.6%, and the import and export deficit was 8.42 billion U.S. dollars, after deducting non-operational imports of foreign-invested enterprises, foreign-invested enterprises still suffered a deficit of 560 million U.S. dollars, which was related to In the first half of the year, the national trade surplus of 13.17 billion U.S. dollars formed a clear contrast. In the first half of the year, foreign-invested enterprises mainly have the following special import and export
Zhejiang Longsheng Group Co.,Ltd.(SH:600352)announced on April 7th it intends to purchase a 74.81% stake in Zhejiang Longhua Holding Company for a consideratio
国家经贸委、外经贸部、海关总署于1995年7月20日联合发出通知,从1995年7月1日起实施新的特定产品目录,原国经贸[1993]564号文所附的《特定产品目录》同时废止。 The State
【正】 Methane chlorides include methane monochloride,methane dichloride,methane trichloride and carbon tetrachloride.In China methane monochloride is mainly pr
【正】 Owing to the reformation of the majority shareholder and the forthcoming completion of Sinopec Group’s 10 million t/a refining project,Qingdao Soda Ash
【正】 Caustic Soda The price of caustic soda in northern Chinarose steadily in August.Caustic soda pro-ducers because of the Olympics Games had arelatively low
1、Leonardo was the love child of Caterina,a peasant,and Ser Piero,a lawyer andlandlord.He was homeschooled and lacked a formal education in Greek and Latin.2、
Soda ash In March soda ash price increased an average of RMB 100/t on February,or 40% and surg-ing 28.5% yearly.Heavy soda ash price is averaged at RMB2 185/t