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目的了解烟台市牟平区法定传染病的分布、流行趋势和特征,为制定预防控制对策提供科学依据。方法采用描述性流行病学方法对牟平区户籍人口2004—2009年法定报告传染病疫情资料进行分类统计分析。结果 6年共报告法定传染病17种,累计报告病例4160例。年发病率最高的是2004年为157.23/10万,最低为2005年121.89/10万,年平均发病率为134.2/10万。6年内报告的法定传染病历年均以血液及性传播疾病发病率最高,共1795例,占发病总数的43.15%;第2是呼吸道传染病,共发病1317例,占总发病数的31.66%,第3是肠道传染病,共发病773例,占发病总数的18.58%。主要传染病以病毒性肝炎、肺结核、痢疾为主。结论牟平区今后传染病防治工作重点是要加大血源及性传播疾病和呼吸道传染病的防治力度,同时继续加强肠道传染病的防治与监测,巩固其防治效果。 Objective To understand the distribution, epidemiological trends and characteristics of notifiable infectious diseases in Muping District of Yantai City and to provide a scientific basis for making prevention and control measures. Methods A descriptive epidemiological method was used to classify the statistic data of infectious diseases in the household registration population in Muping from 2004 to 2009. Results A total of 17 statutory communicable diseases were reported in 6 years, and a total of 4160 cases were reported. The highest annual incidence was 157.23 / lakh in 2004, the lowest was 121.89 / lakh in 2005, and the annual average incidence was 134.2 / lakh. The number of legal notifiable diseases reported over the past six years was the highest among all the blood and sexually transmitted diseases (1795 cases), accounting for 43.15% of the total. The second case was respiratory tract infectious diseases (1317 cases, accounting for 31.66% of the total) The third is intestinal infectious disease, a total of 773 cases of disease, accounting for 18.58% of the total incidence. The main infectious diseases with viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, dysentery-based. Conclusion In the future, prevention and control of communicable diseases in Muping District should focus on prevention and control of blood and sexually transmitted diseases and respiratory diseases. At the same time, they should continue to strengthen the prevention and control of intestinal infectious diseases and consolidate their prevention and treatment effects.
目的了解常熟市4年间食物中毒发生的规律及特点,提出相应的预防控制措施。方法收集该市2006—2009年上报食物中毒统计表及个案调查资料进行描述性分析。结果 4年内常熟市共发
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摘 要:在农村老龄化日益加剧的背景下,农村养老保险的重要性日益凸显。我国农村养老自1992年开始施行以来,政策上已做了很大调整,但参保率一直处在较低水平,本文分析了参保率低下的主要原因,并且提出相应的解决措施。  关键词:农村社会;农村养老;养老保险;参保率    一、引言  随着现代化建设事业的发展,我们取得了许多可喜的成就。但是同时也面临着一些不可回避的问题,其中之一就是农村养老问题,这已经成