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根据国家林业局发布的《森林生态系统服务功能评估规范》(LY/T 1721—2008),从涵养水源、保育土壤、固碳释氧和积累营养物质功能4个方面进行评价,研究小水电代燃料工程的实施对贵州省麻江县项目区森林生态服务功能的物质量及其价值的影响.结果表明:小水电代燃料工程对森林生态系统服务功能物质量的增加有显著作用.马尾松和柏木人工林在项目区内涵养水源功能的物质量达20662.04 m~3·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),比项目区外增加20.5%,保育土壤量为119.1 t·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),比项目区外增加29.7%,固碳释氧量为220.49 t·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),比项目区外增加40.2%,林木营养积累量达3.49 t·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),比项目区外增加48.5%.小水电代燃料工程对项目区森林生态系统服务功能价值增加额度表现为:固碳释氧功能(7.14万元·hm~(-2)·a~(-1))>涵养水源功能(6.01万元·hm~(-2)·a~(-1))>林木营养积累功能(1.38万元·hm~(-2)·a~(-1))>保育土壤功能(0.81万元·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)).小水电代燃料工程对提高森林生态服务功能价值和实现林区的可持续发展具有重要作用. According to the “Forest Ecosystem Services Evaluation Norms” (LY / T 1721-2008) issued by the State Forestry Administration, four aspects of water conservation, soil conservation, carbon fixation and oxygen release, and accumulation of nutrients are evaluated. Effects of Fuel Engineering on the Quantity and Value of Forest Ecosystem Services in the Project Area of ​​Majiang County, Guizhou Province. The results show that the project of replacing fuel with small hydropower has a significant effect on the increase of forest ecosystem services, The plantation of water conservation function of Cedarwood plantation in the project area reached 20662.04 m ~ 3 · hm -2 · a -1, increased by 20.5% than that of the project area and the soil conservation was 119.1 t · hm ~ (-2) · a -1, 29.7% more than that of the project area and 220.49 t · hm -2 · a -1 of carbon sequestration, which increased by 40.2% , And the nutrient accumulation of forest was 3.49 t · hm -2 · a -1, increased by 48.5% than that of the project area.The increase amount of the value of forest ecosystem services functioned by the SHP project in the project area is: Carbon sequestration and oxygen releasing function> Water conservation function (60,100 yuan · hm -2 · a -1)> Forest nutrition Accumulate function (13,800 yuan · hm ~ (-2) · a -1)> conservation of soil function (8100 yuan · hm -2 · a -1). The project of substituting fuel with small hydropower for improving the value of forest ecosystem services and To achieve the sustainable development of forest area has an important role.
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游踪拾零──悬空寺@林楚平$新华通讯社!译审 Tracing Zerg - Hanging Temple @ Lin Chuping $ Xinhua News Agency! Translation trial
《人民珠江》2 0 0 0年第 2期刊载韦卓信“碾压混凝土改造土坝的探讨”一文 ,文中说 :用碾压混凝土把土坝改造成过水土坝是近 10年兴起的一种新技术 ,发展最快的是美国。目前
松山引水工程是在漫江的松山坝址筑坝 ,通过引水洞将漫江水引入松江河。松山引水工程大坝为面板堆石坝 ,趾板基础座落在弱风化安山岩上部。趾板基础防渗采用常规的固结灌浆和
【目的】本研究旨在明确莱氏猛叩甲Tetrigus lewisi老熟幼虫分别对黄粉虫Tenebrio molitor和松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus末龄幼虫和蛹的捕食量的差异,评估莱氏猛叩甲的捕
托林水电站位于西藏阿里地区扎达县约 3km处象泉河上 ,至狮泉河镇 40 0km ,距新疆叶城 1 450km ,距拉萨市 2 1 55km。工程地处海拔高程 370 0~ 40 0 0m。电站装机容量 2× 40 0kW ,多年平