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声乐是一门比较抽象的艺术,有许多人为如何教好、学好它一直在不停地摸索,其中产生了各种不同的歌唱方法.而人们往往总认为自己的方法最为科学.但是,实际上为什么有的人唱出来的声音比较流畅悦耳,而有的人却唱得比较难听呢?这固然与个人的嗓音条件如音质,音色乃至个人的文化修养有关,但并不能排除歌唱方法这一因素的作用.有了好的方法,即使嗓音条件不是最佳的,也可以通过科学的歌唱方法达到比较完善的程度.反之,尽管嗓音条件是很好的,而方法不科学,就有可能毁掉一个人的声乐前程.因此歌唱方法的正确就特别重要.以下就我在声乐教学中经常遇到的问题及纠正的方法,略谈一管之见. Vocal music is a relatively abstract art, there are many people how to teach, learn it has been kept exploring, which produced a variety of singing methods, and people tend to always think their own method is the most scientific, but in fact Why do some people sing more smoothly and sweetly, while others sing more unpleasantly? This is certainly related to personal vocal conditions such as sound quality, tone and even personal cultural accomplishment, but it can not exclude the singing method There is a good way to get the perfect sound through scientific methods of singing, even if the vocal conditions are not optimal, and on the other hand, despite the good vocal conditions and unscientific methods, it is possible to ruin A person’s vocal music future, so the correct method of singing is particularly important below my vocals in the teaching of the problems often encountered and the method of correction, a brief comment.
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