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面对竞争激烈的市场,特别是在招生数量呈现萎缩的情况下,如何处理好办学的数量与质量的辩证关系,使刊授党校永葆活力,已成为十分重要的现实问题。最近,大连第二学区校长盛美礼在接受记者采访时,谈了他对这个问题的看法。△回顾大连第二学区的发展历程,你们采取了哪些有效措施,克服诸多困难,发展到目前的规模?○经总校批准,刊授党校大连第二学区于1995年成立。在4年来的办学过程中,面对生源不足、办学条件较差等困难,我们采取的对策是,始终注意解决好数量与质量的辩证关系,把提高教学质量放在首位,借以提高办学社会效益与学区声誉,使广大就学者信赖刊授党校,愿意进入刊授党校学习。目前,大连第二学区已有9所分校,在校学员有5000余人,取得了令人瞩目的办学成绩。1997至1999年,连续3年我们学区被市教委评为大连市社会力量办学先进单位;市政工职称办公室评定干部中级职称也同意将刊授党校理论班的学历作为参考条件。几年来,为了学区的发展与教学质量的提高,我们除投入资金充实教学设备、完善教学设施外,还对课程的具 Facing the highly competitive market, how to deal with the dialectical relationship between the quantity and the quality of running a school and the publication of the party school to maintain its vitality has become a very important practical issue, especially under the circumstances of the shrinking enrollment. Recently, the headmaster of Dalian No.2 School District Shengmei Li talked about his views on this issue in an interview with reporters. △ Reviewing the course of the development of Dalian No.2 School District, what effective measures have you taken to overcome many difficulties and reach the current scale? ○ Approved by the school, the School District Dalian Second School District was founded in 1995. In the course of running the school for 4 years, faced with such difficulties as lack of students and poor school conditions, the countermeasures we adopted are to always pay attention to solving the dialectical relationship between quantity and quality, and to improve the quality of teaching so as to improve the social benefits of running a school. With the reputation of the school district, so that the majority of scholars trust the school, is willing to enter the party school study. At present, there are 9 branch campuses in Dalian No.2 School District with more than 5,000 students attending the school, which has achieved remarkable academic achievements. From 1997 to 1999, for three consecutive years, our school district was appraised as an advanced unit of social forces in Dalian by the Municipal Education Commission. The mid-level cadre appraised by the municipal government also agreed to submit the academic qualifications of the Party School as a reference. In recent years, in order to improve the development of school districts and teaching quality, in addition to investing funds to enrich teaching facilities and improve teaching facilities,
针对建立现代企业制度中出现的一些新问题,中央组织部就深化国有企业改革中党组织设置和领导关系等问题发出通知。 通知中提出,企业党组织的设置和调整要与企业改组、改制同