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在世纪交替临近之际,在春暖花香的五月,五四运动八十周年来到了。我们向各族各界青年朋友致以节日的问候和美好的祝愿!八十年前爆发的五四运动,是一场伟大的爱国运动。在这场轰轰烈烈的运动中,先进的中国青年怀着改造中国改造社会的宏伟志向,积极投身于民族解放和人民解放的伟大斗争,创造了光辉的业绩。正是由于他们的英勇奋斗,才有了20世纪中华民族从贫弱走向振兴的伟大转折。五四运动的光荣传统,是我国人民宝贵的巨大的精神财富,一定要永远继承发扬。青年朋友们,在新世纪即将到来的时候,一切关心祖国命运的人们,都面临着以什么样的姿态迈向新世纪的问题。从一定意义上说,这一代青年的素质如何,在很大程度上决定着我们的国家和民族在下一个世纪的前途。我们面临着巨大的发展机遇,也面对严峻的挑战。党和人民殷切希望当代青年继承和发扬五四光荣传统,明确跨世纪责任,担当跨世纪使命,成为有远大理想的一代,勤奋学习的一代,艰苦创业的一代,道德高尚的一代,在走向新世纪的岁月里,让自己的青春在振兴中华的伟大事业中放射出绚丽的光彩。五四进步青年在积极地探索、奋斗中找到了改造中国的真理——马克思主义。而邓小平理论,就是当代中国的马克思主义,是指导我们国家走向振兴 As the century approaches alternately, in the spring of May, the eightieth anniversary of the May 4th Movement comes. We extend greetings and best wishes to all our youth and friends from all walks of life! The May Fourth Movement that broke out 80 years ago is a great patriotic movement. In this vigorous and vigorous campaign, the advanced Chinese youth, with the great ambition of transforming China’s society, actively devoted themselves to the great struggle for national liberation and people’s liberation, and created brilliant achievements. It is precisely because of their heroic struggle that the great turning point of the Chinese nation from poverty and weakness to rejuvenation in the 20th century was realized. The glorious tradition of the May 4th Movement is a valuable tremendous spiritual asset for our people and must be inherited and carried forward forever. As young people, all the people who care about the fate of the motherland are facing the question of what kind of attitude they will take in the new millennium when the new century is approaching. To a certain extent, the quality of this generation of young people largely determines the future of our country and our nation in the next century. We are faced with tremendous opportunities for development as well as severe challenges. The party and the people earnestly hope that the young people in the current age will inherit and carry forward the May 4 glorious tradition, clearly define their responsibility across the new century, assume the mission of trans-century, become a generation with ambitious dreams, a hard-working generation, an arduous pioneering generation, and a noble moral generation. In a century of age, let our youth radiate a glorious splendor in the great cause of rejuvenating China. The progressive youth of May Fourth Movement found the truth for the transformation of China, Marxism, in an active exploration and struggle. The Deng Xiaoping Theory, that is, Marxism in contemporary China, guides our country toward rejuvenation
4月23日,记者随浦东新区党政代表团走访了成都高新技术产业开发区。该区高效的服务、明晰的开发战略和产业定位以及园区内完善的配套对于浦东不无借鉴意义。 April 23, repo
加冕“创新特区”    历史不会忘记,在中国改革开放的丰碑上,1979年春天,有一位老人在中国南海边上画了一个圈……  从此,“经济特区”这个词语便被赋予时代的力量,在中国改革开放的历史舞台上上演了一出波澜壮阔的惊世巨作。作为改革的试验田和先行者,和香港仅有一河之隔的沿海小渔村——深圳,被世界聚焦。  1979年7月,党中央决定:在深圳、珠海、汕头、厦门建立出口特区,后改名为内涵更丰富的“经济特区
随着新课改的不断深入,我校先学后导、自主互助的教学理念已根植于教师心间,固化的课堂结构已在悄然改变。要想百尺竿头,更进一步,小组间良好的互助意识的培养将不容忽视。笔者根据多年的教学经验,以在先学后导、自主互助教学中,如何使小组之间团结互助,如何使小组之间迸发出竞争的活力,谈谈一些粗略的看法。  一、在班集体的管理中树立组荣我荣、组耻我耻的观念  一个优秀的小组,可以培养学生的合作互助意识和团队精神
田野考古报告期页内J 00 JI tz.内j ,1伪乙211 ...︸‘1困.12四川宜宾横江镇东汉崖墓清理简报四JI}宜宾真武山发现一座东汉崖墓山东淄博市临淄宋金壁画墓···……山东即墨故