I Love You我爱你

来源 :中学生英语·九年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:candycandy726
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  My grandfather on my mother’s side is a cancer patient. He was in hospital last week for his high fever.
  My grandfather was very optimistic1 and positive, and he has soon made a friend—his ward-mate. His wardmate is a native of Tianjin as well as my grandfather, so they had a lot in common and talked very well.
  One day, the wardmate’s wife, a woman who was a bit odd, came to visit her husband. She became familiar with my grandfather soon, and then she told us secretly that she can divine2 everything.
  “Buddy,” she said to my grandfather. “If you want to recover, you just need to do three things.” Her voice became lower.
  My grandfather looked very curious and sat upright at once. The ward became silent. We were expecting her explanation.
  “Firstly,” she said slowly, “you should go to the flower store and buy a bunch of rose.”
  “Sorry. A bunch of what?” my grandfather asked surprisingly.
  “Rose,” The woman said. “The most beautiful and fresh rose. Secondly, kneel down on one knee towards your wife.”
  My grandfather’s mouth dropped open. Everyone except him was giggling behind their hands. A shy smile crept across my grandmother’s face.
  “And then?” my grandfather asked uncertainly.
  “Lastly, you should say three words to your wife,” the woman smiled secretly. We all cheered and looked at my grandmother—except my grandfather.
  “Which words?” he asked confusedly.
  The woman smiled more secretly than before. “I can’t tell you. You need to find the correct answer by yourself.”
  As the day goes on, we forgot this ridiculous3 divination4. We all considered it as a lovely joke, except my grandfather.
  Yesterday, my grandfather was discharged5 from the hospital. When my grandmother was sweeping the floor, he came in the house with something in his hand.
  “Dear,” he said unnaturally. “May I interrupt you for a few minutes?”
  “Speak out,” my grandmother said impatiently, didn’t stop her work.
  My grandfather took out a bunch of rose slowly. Under our surprised gaze, he kneeled down on one knee towards my grandmother. He raised the beautiful rose as high as he could. Then, he said three most moving words that I’ve heard, “I love you.”
  After a short silence, the house was filled with cheer. My grandmother blushed6 with shy and laughed at my grandfather. Actually, everyone was deeply touched by my grandfather’s action.
  After about forty years, my grandfather made his proposal7 again. Although we can’t be sure whether he will recover or not, I believe the love between my grandparents will continue forever.   我的姥爷是一名癌症患者,上周他因为高烧而住进了医院。
  1. optimistic [
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