烟台修路 精打细算

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工程造价的控制,不仅要控制项目的投资不超过批准的造价限额,消除超予算的现象,更积极的意义在于合理使用人力、物力、财力,确保投资和资源的充分利用,以取得最大的经济效益。山东烟台市近年来陆续建成了烟青、烟威、烟栖等高等级公路,轸八高速公路正在建设中,他们在控制公路工程造价方面的做法具有普遍的指导性。从设计开始算细帐设计是控制工程造价的早期工作,也是关键的环节,对控制工程造价至关重要。路线平面位置要充分比选。公路选线在凭经验难以判断的区段,坚持测比较线,用数据决策。烟威公路选线时,就存在南线与北线之分,南线为丘陵地,路线最高点高程117.00,地质条件较好,路基易稳定,土石方易调配,但穿村镇较多。而北线靠海边荒滩,最高点高程仅有 Project cost control not only to control the project investment does not exceed the approved cost limits, to eliminate the phenomenon of overcompensation, more positive significance is the rational use of manpower, material and financial resources to ensure that the full use of investment and resources in order to obtain the maximum economy benefit. In recent years, Yantai, Shandong Province has successively built such high-grade highways as Yanqing, Yanwei and Yanqi, and the construction of Zhen-8 Expressway is under construction. Their practice in controlling the highway construction cost is generally instructive. From the beginning of the design to count the fine account design is to control the project early cost of work is also a key aspect of the project cost control is essential. Plane location should be fully compared to the election. Highway alignment in hard to judge with the experience of the sector, adhere to test comparison lines, with data decisions. Yanwei highway route, there is the South line and the North Line of the points, the southern line of hills, the route elevation of 117.00, better geological conditions, roadbed easy to stabilize, earthwork easy to deploy, but wear more villages and towns. The northern coast by the beach wasteland, the highest elevation only
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张亚哲:上海外国语大学新闻学、英美文学双学士。留学英国,就读于伦敦政治经济学院及戈德史密斯学院。北京新东方学校资深雅思及大学英语教师,现任西安新东方学校校长。 Zha