
来源 :艺术市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:killer0662
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刘若望对钱没有很高的欲望,出售作品的钱又投入到创作中去了。他的生活很简单,这让他的作品一直都保有很高的质量。圈内有一种传统的推销说辞:买我的作品,我保证每年升值百分之几。而刘若望从来不向藏家保证这一点,但他只保证两点:一是他作品的质量和艺术品质,二是他会坚持一直做雕塑。对于不以获取经济利益为目的的收藏家来说,这两点恰恰是最重要的。 Liu Ruowang did not have a high desire for money, and the money for selling his works went into the process of creation. His life is very simple, which makes his works always maintain a high quality. The circle has a traditional marketing rhetoric: buy my work, I guarantee that the appreciation of a few percent each year. And Liu Ruowang never assured this point to collectors, but he only promised two things: first, the quality and quality of his work; and second, he insisted on always doing sculpture. These are precisely the two most important points for collectors who do not seek economic gain.
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