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人类活动对磷元素的地球化学过程具有重要影响。中国磷矿石储量仅占世界总量的4.6%,且正面临P2O5品位贫化、磷化工过程伴生稀土和氟资源浪费严重、副产磷石膏大量堆存污染环境以及地表水体磷污染等问题。今后一段时间内,二水物硫酸法仍将是湿法磷酸的主流工艺。磷矿伴生稀土和氟的高效回收利用,对于稀土产业和氟化工可持续发展具有重大战略意义,关键在于突破现有的技术瓶颈,研发新的回收利用技术。磷化工过程实现硫资源的循环利用和清洁生产,核心在于突破磷石膏制硫酸关键技术。磷石膏转铵法制硫酸技术实现规模化工程应用,可有效解决中国硫资源短缺问题,根除磷石膏大量堆存造成的环境污染;还将显著减少硫铁矿、石灰石等一次资源开采和温室气体CO2排放。硅酸钙晶种法回收污水中的磷,进而加工为磷酸、磷肥等产品,则为减少一次磷资源消耗、实现磷资源的循环利用提供了可能。以污水磷回收制取磷酸二氢钾技术为例,表明污水磷回收和磷石膏资源化利用对中国磷资源产业的绿色可持续发展具有重大潜在价值。 Human activities have an important influence on the geochemical processes of phosphorus. China’s phosphorite reserves account for only 4.6% of the world’s total, and are facing problems such as P2O5 grade depletion, serious waste of associated rare earth and fluorine resources in phosphorus chemical processes, massive storage of by-product phosphogypsum and phosphorus pollution of surface water bodies. In the future period of time, the dihydrate sulfuric acid method will still be the mainstream of wet-process phosphoric acid. Recycling of rare earths and fluorine, associated with phosphate rock, is of great strategic significance for the sustainable development of rare earth industry and fluorine chemical industry. The key lies in breaking through existing technological bottlenecks and developing new recycling technologies. Phosphorus chemical process to achieve the recycling of sulfur resources and cleaner production, the core is to break through the key technology phosphogypsum sulfuric acid. Phosphogypsum quaternary ammonium sulfate technology to achieve large-scale engineering applications, which can effectively solve the problem of shortage of sulfur resources in China to eradicate the environmental pollution caused by a large number of phosphogypsum piling up; will also significantly reduce the pyrite, limestone and other resources exploitation and greenhouse gas CO2 emission. Calcium silicate seed recovery of sewage phosphorus, and then processed into phosphoric acid, phosphate fertilizer and other products, then to reduce the consumption of primary phosphorus resources, to achieve the recycling of phosphorus resources may provide. Taking the recovery of wastewater phosphorus as an example, it shows that the recovery of wastewater phosphorus and the utilization of phosphogypsum have great potential value for the sustainable development of green phosphorus resources in China.
一见钟情  叶挺,原名为询,字希夷,1896年生于广东惠阳,是中国人民解放军创始人之一。  1924年,李秀文还是中学生的时候就结识了叶挺。当时,叶挺正在孙中山的大总统府任警卫团第二营营长。李秀文的父亲李少村和时任孙中山大元帅府宪兵部队司令的李章达是东莞同乡同族的好友。而李章达又与叶挺相熟更深,正是这位李章达,成了叶挺和李秀文的大媒人。  李章达和李少村的家都在广州市昌兴街,李章达家二楼客厅与李秀
文章阐述了图书馆联盟的发展现状、特点与存在问题,并对图书馆联盟之战略联盟进行了研究和探讨。 The article expounds the development status, characteristics and exis