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王家村有一个姓聂的老太太,是个可怜人,80多岁的老人,孤零零的一个人生活,既没有老伴也没有子女。老伴的父亲是地主,解放前被解放军镇压枪决了,老伴在“文革”初期遭到批斗含恨自杀,当时留下孤儿寡母两人相依为命,没想到儿子年纪轻轻也得病死了,只剩下老太太一个人活在这世上。不久前,老太太觉得身子不舒服,东痛西痛,还经常咳嗽,就去医院检查了一下,没想到是肺癌晚 Wong Ka Tsuen has a woman named Nie, is a poor man, 80-year-old man, a solitary person living, neither husband nor children. His father was the landlord and was shot dead by the People’s Liberation Army before the liberation. His wife was harassed and hated during the early “Cultural Revolution.” At that time, both widows and orphans left their dependents and did not expect their son to die as young as the other. The rest of the old lady living alone in this world. Not long ago, the old lady felt uncomfortable, pain and pain in the east, but also often cough, went to the hospital for a check, did not expect to be late in the lungs
(A)拒绝别人是一门艺术。下面的文章将告诉你如何礼貌地 Say‘NO’to others。Listen carefully, working people, we would like to (A) Rejecting others is an art. The
一位视力正在衰退的老绅士住进了一家旅馆的客房。他双手各拿一瓶酒。在墙上有只苍蝇,他误以为是枚钉子。他把两只瓶子朝上一挂,瓶子掉下 An old gentleman, whose vision i
随着人们生活条件的改善, 越来越多的人开始养宠物。但是您外出时怎么办? 宠物保姆为您打开方便之门。 As people’s living conditions have improved, more and more peop
1.award,prize,honour award指对于优异成绩或卓越贡献经评定后正式授予的奖励; prize指确认某人在竞赛中所获得的优异成绩并给予特殊的奖励, 也含有优胜者几 1.award,prize
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1.  终于,母亲答应来我居住的城市住一段时间。  我欣喜若狂,真不知道老太太如何转了性,以前我那么劝她都不答应,现在,竟然自己想通了。  母亲只来过我家一次,那还是父亲在世时,我刚成家母亲担心我,来城里看过一趟。那次进城给母亲留下了深刻的印象,自此,她再也没有踏过我的家门。父亲去世后,母亲在家形单影只,有病有灾没人照应,我不放心,劝母亲进城跟我同住,哪知她一口回绝了:“我才不去你那城里!一家一个
一、benefit frombenefit vt.有益于,n.益处,benefit sb.=be of benefit to sb.对某人有很大好处。例如:Eating much junk food won+t benefit you.=Eating much junk foodwo
名古屋寺的钟声  雨一直下得黑暗  雨在挖井  这是很多年前的一个冬天。很多年后  我听到名古屋寺的钟声在漫天白雪里  一声一声地把那个冬天的雨从井里打出来  然后,樱花开  然后,遥远中国的一座古寺叫醒门前的落叶  那时,另一个青年换了我  很旧,很远的一个黄昏  房子里烧着壁炉  半圆大阳台伸出江面,和落日一起跳水  不是“咚”地一声。是,很慢  船很慢,白色的船,黑色的烟囱飘着黑烟  两岸青
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7月,中国物流与采购联合会发布的中国制造业采购经理指数(PMI)为48.4%,比上月回落3.6个百分点。这是自2005年1月以来,PMI指数首次回落到50%以下。 In July, the China Manuf