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近几年来,省社科联致力于为市县经济发展服务,为边远、贫困和民族地区的经济 建设和对外开放服务,取得了一个又一个可喜的成绩,受到各级党委、政府部门以及社会各界的 热忱欢迎和充分肯定。今年以来,省社科联积极组织社会科学工作者,为甘孜州的经济发展和对 外开放牵线搭桥,献计献策,又取得重大进展。为此,中共中央政治局委员、中共四川省委书记 杨汝岱同志作了重要批示:“社科联为发展我省民族地区经济,帮助甘孜州走向海南,跨出了可喜 的一步,希继续帮助他们在开拓对外业务中,取得实质性的效益成果。”这再次表明,省社科联把 工作重点放在为当地经济建设服务上,思路正确,措施得当,效果明显,这是对小平同志南巡重 要谈话和中央二号、四号文件以及省委五届十次、十一次全委会精神的具体贯彻和落实。它还表 明,广大哲学社会科学工作者积极投身经济建设主战场大有可为。 In recent years, the provincial federation of social sciences is committed to serving the economic development of cities and counties, serving the economic construction and opening to the outside world in the remote, impoverished and ethnic regions, and has made gratifying achievements one after another. It has been praised by party committees and government departments at various levels as well as the society Warm welcome and full affirmation from all walks of life. Since the beginning of this year, the provincial federation of social sciences has organized social science workers actively and has made significant contributions to the economic development and opening up to the outside world in Ganzi Prefecture. To this end, Comrade Yang Rudai, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Sichuan Provincial CPC Committee, made an important instruction: “The Crosstalk has taken a gratifying step toward developing the economy in the ethnic areas in our province and helping the Ganzi prefecture to Hainan. We hope to continue helping them In the development of foreign business, and achieved substantial results. ”This once again shows that the provincial federation of social sciences focus on local economic construction services, the idea of ​​the right way, the effect is obvious, this is the southern tour of Comrade Xiaoping Important talks and Central Committee No. 2 and Document No. 4 as well as the concrete implementation and implementation of the spirit of the 11th NPC. It also shows that there are promising ways for the majority of philosophy and social science workers to actively join the main battlefield of economic construction.
近读《瞭望》周刊30期,在《瞭望哨》专栏里发现有《要动“真家伙”》一文。细读之下,发现这正是早在一个多月以前就在 Nearly read “Outlook” Weekly 30, in the “Looko
中芯国际集成电路有限公司董事长江上舟,在10月21日召开的中国半导体行业协会第五届会员代表大会上,被选为中国半导体行业协会第五届理事 Jiang Shangzhou, president of Se
(一) 80年代以来,随着世界各国经济发展的国际化倾向的愈益明显,区域合作化正日益成为当代世界发展的一大潮流。目前,东北亚形势发展令人瞩目。该地区主要国家之间的关系都