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医院暴力已成为不容回避的新职业伤害,是直接影响医院正常诊疗秩序、危及医护人员及其家属人身安全的社会问题之一。“医患纠纷”是一个老生常谈的话题,而由普通医患纠纷衍生为医院暴力却成为最近几年越来越明显的一种趋势。日前,中华医院管理学会对全国270家各级医院展开了专项调查,结果,以不容辩驳的事实表明医院暴力的涉及之广,危害之深,背景之复杂,同时又凸出在医院暴力面前现有法律的无奈与尴尬。据统计,全国有73.33%的医院出现过病人及其家属用暴力殴打、威胁、辱骂医务人员;76.67%的医院发生过患者及其家属在诊疗结束后拒绝出院,且不交纳住院费用;61.48%的医院发生过病人去世后,病人家属在院内摆设花圈、烧纸、设置灵堂等。福建、湖南、江西等地还曾发生过患者杀医生的恶性事件。仅广州市被调查的10所医院4062名工作人员中,一年内有2619名遭受过不同程度的暴力侵犯。其中,心理暴力(包括口头辱骂、威胁和言语的性骚扰)发生率最高,为63.5%;身体暴力侵犯(包括打、踢、推、咬等暴力行为),为15.4%。在中南大学两家医院发生的30起纠纷中,95%都发生了患者家属围攻医院事件。围攻最长时间三昼夜,最短24小时,处理周期最长3个月,最短24小时;发生殴打医生或者医院工作人员的事件4起,在医院病房设“灵堂”3起。读着这些触目惊心的数据,你做何感想?当医院开门请警察驻点,医生上下班由保安接送时,当主治大夫不得不雇请私人保镖“全天候服务”时,当黑恶势力卷入普普通通医患纠纷胡作非为时,当有人抱着“要想富,闹医院”,“大闹得大钱,小闹得小钱,不闹不得钱”的心态把变相敲诈作为致富捷径来胡搅蛮缠时,当遭遇暴力伤害却难“讨说法”时,你还会义无反顾地去“救死扶伤”吗?患者本身是生活中的不幸者,同情弱者是我们的美德,扶危解难是“天使”的职责。然而,在舆论声声呼唤“医德”的同时,是不是也应该呼唤“患德”呢?--在医院暴力面前我们的医护人员不也同样是“弱者”吗? Hospital violence has become a new occupation injury that cannot be avoided. It is one of the social issues that directly affects the hospital’s normal medical treatment order and endangers the personal safety of medical personnel and their families. “Doctor-patient disputes” is a commonplace topic, and the derivation of ordinary doctor-patient disputes into hospital violence has become a trend that has become increasingly apparent in recent years. A few days ago, the Chinese Hospital Management Society conducted a special survey of 270 hospitals across the country. As a result, irrefutable facts show that hospital violence involves a wide range of hazards, the depth of the harm, the complexity of the background, and at the same time it is prominent in hospital violence. There are laws and helplessness. According to statistics, 73.33% of hospitals across the country have seen patients and their families use violence to beat, threaten, and insult the medical personnel; 76.67% of hospitals had patients and their families refused to leave the hospital after the diagnosis and treatment, and do not pay hospital expenses; 61.48% After the death of the patient in the hospital, the patient’s family placed wreaths, burned paper, and set up mourning halls in the hospital. In Fujian, Hunan, and Jiangxi, there have also been cases of patients killing doctors. Of the 4062 workers in 10 hospitals surveyed in Guangzhou alone, 2,619 had suffered violent infringements in different degrees within a year. Among them, the highest incidence of psychological violence (including verbal abuse, threats and verbal sexual harassment) was 63.5%, and physical violence violations (including violence such as playing, kicking, pushing and biting) were 15.4%. Of the 30 disputes that took place in the two hospitals at Central South University, 95% of patients had family besieged hospitals. The maximum duration of the siege is three days and nights, with a minimum of 24 hours, a treatment period of up to 3 months, and a minimum of 24 hours; 4 cases of beating doctors or hospital staff occur, and 3 “psychic halls” are set up in hospital wards. Reading these shocking data, how do you feel? When the hospital opened the door to ask the police station, the doctor commuting to and from the security, when the attending doctor had to hire private bodyguards “all-weather service” when the black and evil forces involved in ordinary When doctors and doctors disputed each other, when someone holds the idea of ​​“to be rich, to make a hospital,” and “to make a big noise, to make a small noise, not to make troubles,” the mentality of disguising blackmail as a quick shortcut to get rich, when encountered When violence hurts, but it is difficult to “talk”, will you go back to “helping the wounded” without hesitation? The patient itself is the unfortunate person in life. Compassion for the weak is our virtue. Helping the victim is the responsibility of the “angel”. However, when the voice of public opinion calls for “medical ethics,” should it also call for “disease?” - Isn’t our medical staff also “weak” in the face of hospital violence?
音乐欣赏是培养学生音乐鉴赏、审美能力的主要途径,是让学生受到音乐之美熏陶的重要措施。文章立足中学音乐教学实际,分析了音乐欣赏教学存在的不足,并提出了相关策略。 Mus
在北美,从一名申请者到符合临床心理卫生工作从业资格和能力要求的心理学家,应具备怎样的专业学习背景和相关法规要求?本文将简要介绍北美临床心理学家从业资格的胜任要求和规范,供我国相关培训部门和临床心理工作者参考。  对于从事临床心理工作的人来说,个人是否胜任本职工作,取得从业资格,要看其是否具备有效或熟练地完成工作的能力,即指个人能胜任某种职务的能力,个人的条件符合法定的资格。它由一系列的能力组成,包
作为世界第四大经济体的中国在医疗卫生领域正面临尴尬境地:在世界卫生组织进行的成员国医疗卫生筹资和分配公平性的排序中,中国位列191个成员国中的倒数第四位。  研究报告    医疗体制市场化完全错误    由国务院发展研究中心社会发展研究部和世界卫生组织共同完成的一份针对“中国医疗卫生体制改革”的研究报告指出:中国现有的医疗卫生体制出现商业化、市场化的倾向是完全错误的,违背了医疗卫生事业的基本规律。