
来源 :陕西医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kenapple1368
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对144例临床资料完整,经CT扫描证实的迟发性维生素K缺乏致颅内出血患者进行分析。结果144例均有颅内出血,CT表现有两大特征:①颅内广泛性出血,其中以蛛网膜下腔出血多见(134/144),脑实质出血次之(49/144);②缺血缺氧性脑病(54/144)多与出血并存。提示CT在本病诊断中具有特征性,为临床提供可靠的客观指征。从临床与CT分析中,对本病预后探讨,单纯蛛网膜下腔出血及时治疗者预后好,幕下出血25ml左右危及生命,脑实质出血可形成脑软化灶,预后差,有偏瘫、脑积水、智力低下等后遗症。 144 cases of complete clinical data, confirmed by CT scan of delayed vitamin K deficiency caused by intracranial hemorrhage were analyzed. Results All 144 cases had intracranial hemorrhage. There were two main characteristics of CT manifestations: (1) extensive intracranial hemorrhage, of which subarachnoid hemorrhage (134/144) and cerebral parenchymal hemorrhage (49/144) Blood hypoxic encephalopathy (54/144) and bleeding coexist. Tip CT in the diagnosis of this disease has characteristics, provide a reliable clinical objective indications. From clinical and CT analysis, the prognosis of this disease, simple subarachnoid hemorrhage and timely treatment of prognosis is good, about 25ml of bleeding under the screen life-threatening, cerebral parenchymal hemorrhage can form cerebral softening, the prognosis is poor, hemiplegia, hydrocephalus , Mental retardation and other sequelae.
P-AlGaN/P-GaN superlattices are investigated in blue InGaN light-emitting diodes as electron blocking layers.The simulation results show that efficiency droop i
后颅窝肿瘤是指生长在小脑幕下包括小脑、脑干、四脑室的脑内肿瘤及桥脑小脑角、斜坡上的脑外肿瘤。我院自 1 993年 5月至 1 999年 1 2月共收治41例后颅窝肿瘤、占同期颅内肿
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ZnO thin film growth prefers different orientations on the etched and unetched SrTiO 3(STO)(110) substrates.Inclined ZnO and cobalt-doped ZnO(ZnCoO) thin films
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